Calif. School District Sued Over Sex Ed Program

By John S. Marshall | August 23, 2012

  • August 23, 2012 at 1:50 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    No, let’s just hand out chasity belts and dentata vagina vessels. These kids don’t need sex ed. We’re trying to go back to the ’50’s with the Romney/Ryan ticket. Women have as little voice as possible, men make their health decisions and uterus decisions for them, and some unicron farts pixie dust all over us making the country a better place. Oh, and we’ll tear immigrant families apart, ignore those icky gays, and continue to strip money from the middle and lower classes. Yea!!!!

    • August 23, 2012 at 2:15 pm
      Really? says:
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      Wow, Captain Planet, you must have awoken on the wrong side of the bed! The article is about the breadth of the law in California and the school district states that the lawsuit was inaccurate based on the parental notification. On a side note, when did it become the government’s responsibility to protect our kids from STDs, condoms, etc.? Personally, I’ll teach my kids at home.
      I’m sure you’ll lambaste my comment but hey, we live in a free society. Unless, Captain Planet has something to do with it.

      • August 23, 2012 at 5:23 pm
        BS says:
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        It’s fantastic that you’re teaching your kids at home. I think every parent should be involved in making sure their kids are informed and giving them the tools help them to make the right choices for themselves.

        However, not all parents are able to/comfortable doing so. So many times, kids have to rely on schools for sex-ed. And when those schools teach abstinence-only ,and are using texts that “compare a woman who is not a virgin to a dirty shoe and suggest that men are unable to stop themselves once they become sexually aroused,” it’s a MAJOR problem.


    • August 28, 2012 at 7:15 pm
      ALex says:
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      Thank heavens Captain Planet only gets one vote! Just keep spouting those lib talking points… see how far it gets you all come November.

  • August 23, 2012 at 4:05 pm
    Dee says:
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    Captain Planet – right ON!

    It sounds like the school district has covertly inserted religion into their ‘education’. Abstinence until marriage? Yeah – that’ll learn them… and it’s not close to being realistic. It’s akin to the old reefer madness propaganda in terms of scare tactics & hype rather than presenting valid information for intelligent people to make informed choices. What about “FACTS”? Simple factual data and information presented with the only agenda being education. Isn’t that what schools are supposed to be doing?

    • August 23, 2012 at 5:59 pm
      Maxine says:
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      What planet are you and the good Captain on – WOW!

    • August 24, 2012 at 1:52 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      You got it, Dee. Too many starched collars want to go back to the “Leave It To Beaver” days when the reality is, there will be a new celebrity sex tape leaked in a couple hours.

  • August 23, 2012 at 4:19 pm
    Captain Reality says:
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    Another fact, if you abstain from sexual activity you won’t contract STDs. I believe that was what the school was teaching – what’s riskier? In the insurance industry, we manage risks and I would rather insure the standard book of lower risk non-sexually active than the non-standard sexually active book.

  • August 23, 2012 at 4:53 pm
    Teach your children says:
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    As good ol’ Crosby Stills Nash and Young say, teach your children well. I will never count on anyone else to teach my kids personal and important things. While I realize some folks may be embarassed to talk the their kids about it, try to get over that and learn to have these talks and any others with your kids; you’ll both be thankful that you can have open conversations. have a great day all!

  • August 24, 2012 at 8:58 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    I believe in teaching my daughter, too. But, that doesn’t mean we need to go abstinence-only teaching in schools. That’s just ridiculous. Certainly nothing wrong with stressing abstinence is the sure-fire way to steer clear of unwanted STDs and pregnancies. But, we’re ignoring reality if we think our adolescents aren’t going to act on their hormonal urges. C’mon, you all were kids once.

    In 8th grade, I learned more about male and female anatomy than my mom or dad could teach me. And, grab your pearls and get the vapors, but it was school that put the fear of AIDS and other STD’s in me, not my folks. Do you want to avoid abortions, abandoned children, and emotionally scarred 15 year old girls? Then, seuxal education in schools and maybe a condom or 2 is the right way to go. The Olympics handed out something like 70,000 condoms to the athletes.

  • August 24, 2012 at 8:15 pm
    Reality Check says:
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    Funny how the Moral and Social responsibilities of parents has been watered down to the elementary school level. The more society gives over to government control, the more they take away.

    We are being herded like a bunch of sheep. Come on America MAN-UP or put a helmet on.

  • August 31, 2012 at 12:10 pm
    Blu Lightning says:
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    As a teen in the 70’s, I experimented with sex at an early age and ignored the sex ed classes at school just like we used to mock the drug and alcohol part of health ed too. The school I went to was non judgemental and offered no moral wrongs or rights.

    Looking back its kind of like educating someone on how to use a gun, but then not informing that same person the moral and eternal consequences of taking a life-remember that even though they are almost adults, they can still be impacted by an adults guidance-good or bad.
    While it was all fun and games and I survived, there are times when I wish I had waited until my mental maturity matched my physical maturity.

    Its a good thing inform and educate our kids about birth control in school, but there should be a heavy dose of the long term and moral effects of premarital sex on your life. I know that this can intrude intrude into an agnostic or atheists view of things, but not only was our country founded and grown by people who included their religious philosophies in their decision making, but more broadly all major religions and philosophies have very similar moral viewpoints and our founders recognized that there was a difference between a state religion and universal religious principles that are common to us all.

    • August 31, 2012 at 3:28 pm
      Ted says:
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      I believe Freedom of Religion has been intepreted as Freedom From Religion as well. I would argue the values you point to are not neccessarily universal religious principles, but rather “ethics” and “morals”. With no need for the introduction of religion.

      It is not a bad thing for a religious person to make a decision based on his ethics – derived from his religion. However, it is anti-constitutional for our state run programs to be influenced by religious beliefs that place one alternative higher than the other due to religious texts. i.e. Abstinance until marraige as opposed to abstinance until ready.

  • August 31, 2012 at 3:24 pm
    Ted says:
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    Clovis decided to disobey a law they didn’t beleive reflected their community’s values – unfotunately that’s not how it works. Funny coming from a district that has made “Inherit The Wind” required reading. Schools exist to teach academics not beliefs.

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