Poll: Confidence for Calif. Workers’ Comp Reform Dropping

By | August 29, 2012

  • September 1, 2012 at 12:11 pm
    Michael Defillo says:
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    The whole WC program should be scrapped. It is worthless! What a waste of my time, taxpayer money, employer money and employee money. Permanenetly Disabled American forgotten. I am not the only one for sure. Go —- yourself State of California Workers Comp system. Mike Defillo Manteca, Ca.

    • September 4, 2012 at 6:25 pm
      bill says:
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      there are two points you don’t seem to understand. WC is not paid by the taxpayer or the temployees. Get your facts straight!

    • September 4, 2012 at 10:19 pm
      C.L.C. says:
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      When workers compensation carriers don’t pay the cost of the injured worker, tax payers do. If a guy gets hurt on the job eg crushes his hand. Cant work for a year, his employer’s work comp insurance carrier is supposed to pay for it. Let the carrier off the hook , then the guy has to collect state disability and treat through MediCal OR he applies for social security and drains that system for the next 40 years. The only savings you get if you “scrap” this system is to the insurance companies. Do you want taxpayers to pick up the tab for the injured worker ? Sounds like you may already be jammed up by an insurance company. Don’t take their side.

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