Drug-Related DUI Arrests Increase in Arizona

January 16, 2013

  • January 21, 2013 at 1:28 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    There’s a way to fix that. Of the people that don’t work and wait for their refill of their painkiller, take them off of it and hospitalize them. That way their pain meds can be monitored by the hospital staff. I know what you’re thinking, that will cost too much money. But will it? I guarantee the people that are living off the system and getting high will decrease dramatically when they are sitting in a hospital bed and only getting enough meds to treat their pain. They will check out of the hospital and still won’t be getting high on our tax dollar prescriptions. Sure they can start up on illegal drugs, but that would come from their welfare, so it’s food or drugs at that point and that will remove them from the system as well (death or hitting bottom and changing their life).
    I know there are people that truly need it, but it’s the mass that has ruined it for the few. It’s time we put our foot down America.

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