Mom Of Fallen Arizona Firefighter Files $36M Claim

By | November 18, 2013

  • November 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm
    Why not says:
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    The death of these fire fighters is a terrible tragedy but $36 million or if settled in 60 days $12 million. Just another reason to Hate Lawyers.

    If the mother can prove errors then she is due some compensation for the loss of her son just stop the stupid demands.

  • November 18, 2013 at 4:43 pm
    Stan says:
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    Maybe this will prevent other firefighters from being sent in to dangerous And known that it was unpredictable fire plus many other negligence Reasons. If this can stop just one firefighter from being killed make them follow the rules And regulations According to protocol. If it had been done correctly there still might be 19 young man alive right now

  • April 8, 2014 at 7:39 pm
    Ridiculous says:
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    What about all of the fallen soldiers in the military? Do all of their families deserve 12 to 36 million dollars in compensation, because usually there is negligence in almost any situation. This just looks pathetic to take money away from the state and communities that already don’t have enough to keep this state on track. Maybe the best idea would be to not allow young men into these situations until they are ready… but hey if you look at the number of deaths there are from things like overdoses and drunk driving, maybe we would be a little better off in AZ if we believed in those type of penalties..

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