Idaho Farmers Feeling Effect of Russian Ban on Ag Imports

By Audrey Dutton | August 13, 2014

  • August 13, 2014 at 5:01 pm
    Hmmmm says:
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    I heard in a news report (not Fox) that Russia imports 40% of their food which includes meat and dairy. The ban is all Western countries, not just USA. Does the Russian government think that they can up their agri business by 40% immediately? Do they hate their citizens so much that they would make 40% of their food go away? Before this ban, going to the grocery store in Russia has been a hit or miss. I attended a talk that some missionaries to Russia would go to the grocery store every day (near Moscow) because today they could get potatoes but not tomorrow. Tomorrow they could get carrots, but not yesterday and may not be here tomorrow. They said that it was so much better now than before the cold war was “over”.

  • August 14, 2014 at 1:05 pm
    bob says:
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    Hmmm, you better be careful making comments like that or you could wind up in the gulag in Siberia.
    but I am sure you are right.

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