Utah School Bus Driver Allegedly Under Influence on Field Trip

By | October 15, 2014

  • October 15, 2014 at 1:33 pm
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    Why didn’t the adults step up and insist the driver to pull off the road for their safety instead of waiting for the cops to show up? It took 40 miles for them to realize there was a problem / get the bus pulled over? Even if the driver was not drunk, unsafe driving like that should not be tolerated. Once they realized that there was something more than an accidental lane departure going on they should not have let it continue until the police arrived.

  • October 16, 2014 at 2:53 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    This is a huge problem in our country. Muscle relaxers as well as prescription narcotics should be closely regulated (and if you think they are, you are wrong). I hope the doctor that prescribed this stuff to her also gets a call as they should cancel her script. She probably just wanted to feel good on her drive and I’m sure she did, at the possible expense of her passengers. People that take these things have no clue of what they are doing once they’re “high.” Until serious jail time is instituted this will continue to happen at a high level. Plus isn’t it interesting that drug companies can still advertise on commercials, but you don’t see any public service announcements for people not to drive while on muscle relaxers. Might be something the drug companies should be forced to pay for. They only make billions and billions in profit a year on these legal drugs. Not only will these public service messages educate the offender/user, but also everyone else to know what to watch for.

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