Ridesharing Uber Halted in Nevada For Now

By Kimberly Pierceall and | October 27, 2014

  • October 27, 2014 at 6:43 pm
    Lou says:
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    In Nevada, the cab industry is a protected monopoly. Just think how many folks could support their families with this service and not go on welfare. The cab companies would have to step up their game and service the whole city. A little competition never hurt anyone.

  • October 28, 2014 at 11:56 am
    Trish says:
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    The problem is you are talking apples and oranges. So, the Uber driver passed a criminal background check and has insurance. Do you think he has commercial passenger insurance? The taxi cab drivers are not getting rich. In addition to background checks, they meet face-to-face with the cab companies, they have to pass a physical, they have to have a clean driving record, they must pass a drug test, they must pass the CPR course – plus the cabs must be brought in at least once a week for a mechanical check. The cities also lose the money collected for the taxi certificate to drive! I will stick with taxis.

  • November 26, 2014 at 3:07 pm
    Dave H. says:
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    I can’t wait until Uber lets anyone be a commercial Pilot and compete against American Airlines.

    Just think, people will be able to get off welfare and fly jetliners – no training – no experience – no insurance. That will be real cheap to Fly! Sic.

    People are ignorant of why these taxi regulations were put in place over the last 60 years. Rapists, Pedofiles, Drivers with DUI’s, people killed by vehicles not maintained – a Taxi must change their brakes every other week due to usage.

    Uber has to check with someone’s mom to see the last time she changed brakes.

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