Uber in a California Regulatory Standoff Over Data

By | December 19, 2014

  • December 19, 2014 at 2:19 pm
    Lou says:
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    Entrenched interests like cab companies with their monopolies, government entities which leach off legitimate private enterprises and incensed that someone is successful with out their stamp of approval and requiring the company to grovel before them. Their reason for gathering this data is disingenuous. Once the have it they have power over you and can damage you. Of course, they are immune from prosecution. Horrible is our state of the nation.

  • December 19, 2014 at 5:53 pm
    Legitimate? says:
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    If they were so legitmate, Lou, they would stand up and admit to being a livery exposure and pay their just dues. A rose by any other name?

  • December 22, 2014 at 10:52 am
    Robert says:
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    Ride-sharing is a fraud. It’s base don lies deception and unfair unethical business practices.
    That’s all it is.
    These billions that ride-sharing billionaires are counting – that’s our local revenue lost.
    Mass scale fraud by any other name sponsored by a few unethical Silicon Valley “tech” con artists.

  • December 22, 2014 at 10:52 am
    Robert says:
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    Uber scam again.

  • December 22, 2014 at 2:21 pm
    Lou says:
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    I lived and worked in England for 8 years. They have what are called mini cabs over there. These are little outfits which use private vehicles as cabs. The so called “legitimate cabs” or black cabs do not go out to the suburbs and are not readily available at night. These mini cabs perform an important function in transporting individuals who may be inebriated, young women out late at night, or families needing to go somewhere when they do not have access to a vehicle. I hate monopolies. There great for the people who have a monopoly, but really lousy for the rest of us.

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