California Trial in Kaiser Plastic Surgery Coverage Starts

March 17, 2015

  • March 17, 2015 at 1:22 pm
    Agency says:
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    With Kaiser, you get what you pay for. Before I was 35, I thought cheap was the only way to go, after age 35, if something was too cheap or too good of a deal, I am skeptical. Kaiser seems to have a long track record of cases like this, don’t people learn?

  • March 17, 2015 at 1:38 pm
    nuf sed says:
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    Kaiser is ok if you have treatment or surgery that they can do almost on an assembly line basis-like knee or hip replacements. We all called Kaiser mass produced medicine providers around. But if you have something wrong that doesn’t fit as easily into those buckets, then they stumble a bit. And likewise, they won’t deviate off of their formulary for meds-if what they give you isn’t working, and the substitute is more expensive, then don’t count on them prescribing it.

  • March 17, 2015 at 2:31 pm
    CSP says:
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    They have reclassified growths on the skin as cosmetic in the last two years, with a referal to the Cosmetic Unit. They were for 50 years classed as precancerous growths and routinely removed them before becoming cancerous. My doctor told me if he removed the growths Kaiser would bill me for $500 per growth.

  • March 18, 2015 at 1:43 pm
    JJ says:
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    So basically they want a free tummy tuck? 99% of these cases are people who made bad choices for years then ask insurance companies to pay the price and fork over for “beriatric” surgery plus the removal of all that droopy skin! ADVERSE SELECTION at it’s finest. YOU ATE ALL THOSE CUPCAKES AND BIG MACS WHY SHOULD SOCIETY ASSUME THE COST??!!!

    • December 22, 2018 at 12:11 am
      d cowles says:
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      First of all your an idiot I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 4 years ago and I almost died. I wasnt fat I was skinny and then they gave me inusion steriods which caused me to gain wait I didnt eat goopy cupcakes I was sick and allmost died and I used all my resources to find out was was wrong with me and I used to make a million dollars and then i got sick I always paid my taxes and my own insurance and then I got sick and they put me on infusion steriods which made me gain weight and now I went through someones bariatatric surgery you dont only gain wait for eating goopy cupcakes and Im glad that kaiser got sued it helped me get plastic surgery because I gained wait from steriods you idiot not from eating food and now there are trying to get out of the plastic surgery so they dont have to pay for it you gain weight from more than eating food and autoimmune diseases kill more people than heart attacks and heart diseases behind car accidents so next time you post a comment like this do your research you gain wait from more than just food and your an idiot.

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