Lumber Liquidators Sued in California Over Formaldehyde Home Test Kits

By | April 1, 2015

  • April 1, 2015 at 2:38 pm
    reality bites says:
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    I am generally not in favor of lawsuits to be an agent of change.

    However, in this case I believe there are several problems:

    * Anyone importing or wholesaling product made overseas needs to be certain that if there are legal standards for their product, the standards are met. Relying upon an offshore manufacturer to perform QC is like asking an animal rights activist to sew a mink coat; there’s a conflict of interest.

    * It’s not just an issue of the product in the marketplace; having installed similar wood floor products, it’s the sawdust in the air which could create a workplace problem for installers.

    * Lastly, I thought I heard that this law firm was selling LL stock short; this should be outlawed as stringently as insider trading. Any law or investment firm using litigation or threat thereof to drive market profits is performing ‘outsider’ trading.

  • April 1, 2015 at 3:16 pm
    J.B. says:
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    Interesting that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission will test the products in the manner that LL is claiming it should and not in the “deconstructive” way 60 Minutes based it’s arguments on. Would’ve been nice in the 60 Minutes story to hear an opposing “lab type” view point (unrelated to LL) that could speak to this.
    I’m betting that there’s significant blame on both sides of this story…conflict of interest of those promoting (and profiting) from the danger, plus the extent of harm done to humans is likely far less than the story indicates….on the otherhand, the lack of consistent, accurate quality control on the part of LL is likely true as well.

  • April 1, 2015 at 5:18 pm
    They really said that? says:
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    …testing should be done “solely on the air in the home and not on the actual composite flooring product,” …

    Spoken by a true politician/attorney.

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