McDonald’s to Pay $3.75 Million to California Workers for Back Pay, Damages

By | November 1, 2016

  • November 1, 2016 at 1:29 pm
    wayne smith says:
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    With 800 people covered, that amounts to $2,187.50 per person. Wow…what a victory for justice. The lawyers receive $2 million+. As usual, it was simply the cost of proving one side’s innocence that likely drove this settlement, making products more expensive for all of us.

    • November 4, 2016 at 3:04 pm
      Wart says:
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      That $2,187.50 means a great deal to a minimum wage worker!

  • November 1, 2016 at 1:48 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    I like this line:
    “Last year, a judge ruled that McDonald’s was not the plaintiffs’ joint employer under federal and state laws. But he said the company could still be held liable if the workers believed McDonald’s was their employer.”
    What is this, the George Costanza rule of legality? It’s not a lie if you believe? Don’t pay them for a week and see if they know who their employer is!

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