California Commissioner Counters AGs, other Commissioners over Climate Initiative

July 28, 2017

  • July 28, 2017 at 2:40 pm
    Doug Spencer says:
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    Climate change is OK. Just like the seasons, tides and weather!
    Telling insurance companies how to invest their reserves is not OK.
    Admire insurance companies that are fiscally responsible and pay their claims because they conservatively invest.
    Admire California based insurance companies that can serve their agents and clients independent of the current political change.
    You can only lift when you are on higher ground.

  • July 30, 2017 at 6:49 pm
    Observor says:
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    I personally do believe that carbon emissions have a significant impact on the climate. However, the commissioners actions are wrong on many levels.
    The first challenge is conquering your personal behavior. The commissioner has jetted of to several far away places like Toronto for fun conventions on the taxpayers dime. Some carbon was emitted for that fun. Politicians like him (Al Gore) tend to drive large SUVs. The second challenge is that he is using the tax payers website and his regulatory powers to fund and create his personal campaigns. His job is only to regulate insurance markets.

  • August 1, 2017 at 11:31 am
    AZ Ins Man says:
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    Typical LEFT CA approach. Since the left believes something, everyone must change their lives and conform to their thinking.
    Science goes both ways on these “stories”.
    The hypocritical garbage spewed by the left such as abortion is fine but the death penalty is wrong is getting OLD.

    Do whatever you want but don’t try and force the public to conform to your B.S.
    Al Gore’s home in Tennessee has over $30,000 in utilities annually.
    Really worried about carbon emissions?

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