California Jury Backs Man Claiming Roundup Weed Killer Caused Cancer

By | August 13, 2018

  • August 13, 2018 at 1:17 pm
    MightyQuinn says:
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    Idiots. Another sterling ruling by the loonies who live in the Pity by the Bay.

    Want to prove the earth is flat? Just get it to a court in the Bay Area and you will win and they be granted damages because people disagreed with you.

  • August 13, 2018 at 1:39 pm
    Mark B says:
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    Interesting, Just Google glyphosate you find this.The EPA considers glyphosate to have low toxicity when used at the recommended doses. “Risk estimates for glyphosate were well below the level of concern,” said EPA spokesman Dale Kemery. The EPA classifies glyphosate as a Group E chemical, which means there is strong evidence that it does not cause cancer in humans.Jun 23, 2009 Other then band new posts which now argue the possible findings that glyphosate is harmful I would find it difficult to say Monsanto with malice and forethought knew their product may be harmful.

    On a side note, if your spraying a chemical that kills stuff it might be harmful to your health. I’m sure bug spray is next

    • August 13, 2018 at 4:18 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      On the runway at Lawyer Airport: antibiotics, mouthwash, rubbing alcohol, bleach, aspirin (kills headaches; must be dangerous), vinegar, ammonia . . . . . but only if a corporation can be tied to the lawsuit for deep pockets.

  • August 14, 2018 at 5:15 am
    B. Winiewski says:
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    Even if glyphosate does cause cancer at very high doses, it is still not approved for bathing in. The plaintiff was grossly negligent in not waring protective gear that is recommended whenever spraying chemicals. Therefore the verdict is insanely stupid and wrong.

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