Democrat Lara Leads Poizner in California Insurance Commissioner Race

By | November 7, 2018

  • November 7, 2018 at 12:54 pm
    John says:
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    Your article said voters previously approved the gas tax. Wrong. Jerry Brown imposed it unilaterally. But Prop 6 would have required future gas and vehicle taxes be put before voters. Sounds reasonable to me, but the Democrat’s false, misleading, dishonest campaign against Prop 6 hid that fact, as well as that the measure repealed Brown’s gas tax, which was the very heart of the measure. Very frustrating.

    • November 9, 2018 at 10:16 am
      Fair Playing Field says:
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      Proposition 6 overreached, in my opinion. A simple repeal of the gas tax would have had a better chance of passing, but the provision that any future state fuel and vehicle taxes would have to be approved by the electorate no doubt turned off a good number of those who actually read the propositions.

      Let elected government do its job. If you don’t like the results, elect people who will achieve the results you want.

      A sound network of roads and bridges is vital to California’s economy and adds to the quality of life by keeping traffic moving safely. Regardless of John Cox’s gubernatorial campaign, plenty of non-Democrats voted against the repeal. I did.

  • November 7, 2018 at 9:55 pm
    County Line says:
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    At best it is incomprehensible how Lara could be elected to regulate a field in which he has no experience. It was a huge mistake in 1988 when California voters were hoodwinked into changing the insurance commissioner’s office from an appointed position to an elected office. Expect new Commissioner Lara’s hostility toward the insurance industry to drive insurers out of the market, narrowing availability, driving costs up, and ultimately doing the opposite of what he sold his candidacy on.

    • November 8, 2018 at 10:12 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      OK, but are you consistent and didn’t vote for Tramp? Or, were you in the camp that said, “it’s a good thing that he doesn’t have any experience?” Pulled the lever for Tramp would be my guess.

      • November 9, 2018 at 12:28 am
        Johnny Appleseed says:
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        You know he voted for Trump.

      • November 13, 2018 at 10:26 am
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        OCTOBER 18, 2018 AT 7:51 PM Andrew G. Simpson says:

        We are trying to clean up the forum and would welcome your cooperation along with that of all other regular posters. Please help us by setting an example.

        Not every article, news item or argument is political. This comment section is not a place for you to repeatedly flex your partisan political muscles or engage in tit-for-tat exchanges with a handful of others.

        Andrew Simpson
        Chief Content Officer
        Wells Media Group”

  • November 8, 2018 at 4:33 pm
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    This state has gone to the dogs. It has moved far far left. It is not good. If the trend continues, i will move out of the state.

    • November 9, 2018 at 11:22 am
      Fair Playing Field says:
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      I agree with you on the movement, Mr. Subramanian, but I would be very reluctant to leave. I’ve lived in three countries and numerous states during my life, and I love the Golden State.

      Do you remember our 35th governor, who passed away this year? That’s what we need more of. Understated yet effective leadership with a willingness to reach across the aisle to get things done.

  • November 9, 2018 at 11:08 am
    Observor says:
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    Many of us avoided voting for Lara or Trump because of our concerns about their qualifications as well as their focus on their base. The challenge that decisions should be based on “red” or “blue” hurts the state and country. My concern right now is that there will probably be a shortage of markets for property insurance in the state. I think it will take an open mind from the commissioner to navigate those challenges. Poizner might have been the better candidate to allow markets flexibility in pricing and coverage to maintain more coverage in the state.

    • November 9, 2018 at 11:49 am
      Fair Playing Field says:
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      “Poizner might have been the better candidate to allow markets flexibility in pricing and coverage to maintain more coverage in the state.”

      Completely agree.

  • November 12, 2018 at 10:08 am
    Weird says:
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    I generally lean left in politics, but I would vote for Poizner 1000 times over Lara.

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