Opinion: California’s Wildfires Burn Our Climate Illusions

By Liam Denning | March 4, 2019

  • March 4, 2019 at 1:44 pm
    mike urbanek says:
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    What a waste of time. Hell, don’t you know we only have twelve years left anyway? Alexandria Always Incoherent said so.

    • March 4, 2019 at 3:16 pm
      Agent says:
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      California is not into building more reservoirs to hold their winter snow melt so they go from drought to floods. You can’t get more stupid than that.

      • March 5, 2019 at 8:26 pm
        Fair Playing Field says:
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        Texas can. They build reservoirs and then allow houses to be constructed in said reservoirs. And then Texicans buy them.

        Houston, you have a problem.

  • March 4, 2019 at 3:14 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    His LONG article on the Scary Monster ends with projections of warming based on levels of future population growth. Oh My!

    Problem: birthrates which had been falling in Japan and Europe for decades are now falling all over the world. Including China and Africa. Reasonable projections indicate the global population is going to fall by billions, perhaps 3-4 billion fewer people in 50 years.

    Settled Science, folks: Always the Scary Monster story from the Insurance Journal. Bank it.

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