California Jury Awards $9M to Family of Woman Shot to Death

By | March 28, 2019

  • March 28, 2019 at 1:56 pm
    Jack King says:
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    We are making it harder and harder on our police. How are they supposed to know if a knife wielding woman is mentally ill or whacked out on drugs? Put yourself in the police’s position. You yell several times for the woman to drop the knife or get down on the ground or put your hands up, and they don’t. Is your first instinct to think this person is mentally ill? Of course not. Your first thought is they’re hyped up on drugs OR they have bad intentions.
    And court cases like these where the shooting is justified but a jury gives away $9,000,000 only disparages police and diminishes their public authority!

  • March 28, 2019 at 8:20 pm
    Karen N. says:
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    Whether the individual stabbing you is “mentally ill’ or “drug addicted” or ‘not mentally ill, just very unkind” or “a generally decent person who is just having a super bad day” or whatever other reason you want to give for attempted murder – makes no difference in the deadliness of the knife blade about to be stabbed into you.

  • March 30, 2019 at 5:01 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    We had a couple officers killed in our community a couple years ago. I still fly the banner honoring them in my yard and a sticker on my car. Violence against police should not be tolerated. That being noted, should officers be instructed better on shooting to maim rather than shooting to kill? Obviously, certain situations do not lend to shooting simply to maim. But in this case, when all she has is a knife, I’m thinking maybe that could have been a viable option. At least aim for the leg or hand. The stun gun didn’t work but I bet a bullet would make her drop that knife.

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