Hawaii Eruption Caused $94M Loss in Economic Benefit

May 29, 2019

  • May 29, 2019 at 12:17 pm
    checkyourmath says:
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    The article title references “$94M Loss in Economic Benefit”.

    The article text states:
    “The National Park Service found the Big Island park had 1.1 million visitors who spent $94.1 million in nearby communities in 2018, while more than 2 million visited in 2017 and spent $166 million, The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported.Spending by park visitors in 2018 supported 1,040 jobs in the area and produced a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $123 million. The greater spending in 2017 supported 2,020 area jobs and produced an economic benefit of about $222.4 million, officials said.”

    The difference is amount spent in nearby communities is $166M – $94.1M = $71.9M.
    The difference in cumulative or economic benefit to the local economy is $222.4M – $123M = $99.6M.

    So what is the source of the “$94M Loss in Economic Benefit” in the article title?

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