California Braces for Biggest Blackout Yet as Massive Wildfire Burns

By , and | October 25, 2019

  • October 25, 2019 at 1:15 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    California has had late-fall fires forever.

    So why is it only now that shutting off the power is required during fire season? Does this seem like “progress”? Good government? Planning ahead?

    What a joke. (Hey, maybe we can pay the thousands of homeless to walk around with water buckets.)

    • October 25, 2019 at 4:47 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      The answers you seek are explained in the article.

      Utilities are taking extreme measures to prevent wildfires since PG&E’s equipment sparked a series of blazes in 2017 and 2018, saddling the company with an estimated $30 billion in liabilities and forcing it into bankruptcy. The broad nature of the latest shutoffs has ignited a debate over how far California must go to prevent fires amid increasingly warm and dry weather.

      PG&E Chief Executive Officer Bill Johnson said at a media briefing late Thursday. “But we have a single, simple and I think really important objective at work here, which is to avoid catastrophic wildfire.”

      California Gavin Newsom said this week’s blackouts seemed necessary, given how strong winds blew

      • October 25, 2019 at 5:34 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        You are describing the cars after the head on collision.

        If you read about how we got here, it was all due to liberal politicians demanding renewable energy from the electric companies instead of maintaining current and expanded power lines. So we have large solar plants in the desert, energy bill rebates for non-competitive rooftop solar, and wind farms that make horrific noise while operating, kill thousands of birds and are an eyesore for anyone living nearby.

        When the electric companies asked for price increases for maintenance, the liberal politicians said no. The electric companies were approved for a fraction of the maintenance dollars they asked for.

        The politicians (all Democrats) didn’t want to raise energy prices on consumers, since consumers were paying for all that renewable fantasy already.

        And so here we are: rusted and broken power line attachments that come off in high winds. And the Democrats blame the utility companies. Of course. Solution: turn off the power. In 2019.

        • October 28, 2019 at 2:06 pm
          Well... says:
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          Totally. Makes sense. Blame Democrats.

          Don’t blame the power company execs that chose to line their pockets rather than invest in maintenance.

          • October 28, 2019 at 8:47 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Clearly you haven’t read anything about the issue. Utility “profits” are completely controlled by the State of California. Your Leftist answer to everything – evil profits – has nothing to do with this issue.

            P.S. Democrats have a super-majority in California. They literally run everything. Who should I blame?

          • October 29, 2019 at 11:52 am
            Jon says:
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            Craig, as Rosenblatt just pointed out, you didn’t even read the ARTICLE you’re posting on about, but you’re accusing someone else about not reading anything about the issue? You’re a joke. Stop blaming the liberals while your party lines the pockets of the executives at fault here. You like to blame the democrats for everything regardless of the state, the fact is it’s a class issue, not a political issue. You defend the rich while their boot is on your neck.

          • October 29, 2019 at 6:52 pm
            Jon says:
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            LOL @ the old goon who thinks Antifa is even a thing. They’re so minor and yet you dinosaurs love to whine about them. You actually bring up some valid points, yes the elites believe in the status quo, but you believe things like that here and yet TOTALLY ignore these points in regards to things like Exxon polluting the planet. You understand that the elites want to keep the status quo, and yet argue with them for keeping the status quo in regards to marijuana, climate change, equal rights for women and LGBT peoples. It is truly baffling. You ALMOST hit a moment of seeming like you get it, and then you try to argue why should we bother fixing climate change if China is so bad.

            We’re in agreement, the elites do like to pit us against each other. Where we differ is that you don’t realize most of the people who are things like “racist” and “bigot” are firmly planted on the right.

            You sure hit the nail on the head, Craig. Idiots supporting the elites. I just think you’re deluded about your place on that view. Keep spreading the company line, you’re a sheep for the right as much as anyone.

          • October 29, 2019 at 7:14 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            You need to read more about Climate Change. It is another attempt to give more power and money to the elites. If they were talking about solutions that didn’t hurt people (nuclear power, tree planting), then they would be serious.

            But EVERYTHING is about giving the elites more power and money. Medicare for All. Climate Change. Banning school choice/charter schools. It all ends up with more power and more money in Washington. That means more money for lawyers and lobbyists and newspaper people and renewable energy companies getting government handouts and all those people living comfortably on the status quo.

            Calling other blue collar and middle class people names is EXACTLY what they want you to do. Pretending corporations are “conservative” or Republican is exactly what they want you to think. That way you won’t join up with other blue collar and middle class people who want to change things.

            If they can have you focus on conservatives and Republicans, you won’t notice that the elites are fleecing everyone.

            Ask yourself: why after 60 years of government aid are so many blacks still poor. Because that gives Washington more money and power and if the problem gets fixed, all that money and power goes away. 4 of the richest counties in the US surround D.C.

            Trump is hated by so many elites on the Left and Right because he wants to alter the status quo. Bush didn’t do it. Obama didn’t do it. And Hillary wouldn’t do it. Middle class wages are up by about $5,000. per family since Trump was elected. Can’t have that!

            Warren and Bernie talk about doing it, but their plans would give more money and power to the elites. And socialism never works.

          • October 30, 2019 at 12:35 pm
            Jon says:
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            You’re complaining about things like medicare for all giving power to the elites, and repairing the climate giving power to the elites, but we literally give power to the elites with the current system AND millions of americans don’t have health insurance and we’re destroying the planet. Your political party literally changes the laws to give the richest elites tax breaks, and you don’t bat an eye, but giving americans health care (which lots of developed nations have and thrive with) and you whine about the elites. You’re literally just not applying the same logic to both situations.

          • October 30, 2019 at 10:32 pm
            Jon says:
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            LOL know how I know you didn’t actually read that wikipedia article, just typed Ctrl F and socialist? Because the literal second paragraph begins “Nazism is a form of fascism “. Also: The term “National Socialism” arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of “socialism” maybe I’m not the one who should put the bong down you seem to be incapable of actually reading the articles you reference YET AGAIN LOLOLOL

      • October 25, 2019 at 7:19 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        So you asked a question to which you already had your answer? Why even ask it then?

        • October 25, 2019 at 7:21 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Geez, Rosenblatt. Even you know it was a rhetorical question pointing out the insanity of having power shut down in 2019.

          • October 28, 2019 at 10:09 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            If I knew it was rhetorical, I wouldn’t have posted the answers cited in the article. Suggestion: if you ask a rhetorical question, answer it yourself or state it’s rhetorical – otherwise people will think you’re actually asking a question and will waste their time trying to answer it.

    • October 29, 2019 at 12:41 pm
      CommLinesAgent says:
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      Hey Craig if you hate it here so bad why don’t you leave? Somewhere in the deep south might suit you better anyways?

      • October 29, 2019 at 6:54 pm
        Jon says:
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        He’s not wrong. I’m from the south and it is the worst. I second his suggestion, you should absolutely go to the south, because we don’t want you in California. I’m well aware you have a superiority complex (as pointed out today, you are incapable of admitting you’re wrong about anything, even when your lies are thrown in your face). You’re mistaken about who’s laughing though, because usually it’s us laughing at you.

        • October 29, 2019 at 7:17 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Tell me more about Climate Change, Jon. Your insights are hilarious. And then defend the status quo for the elites by attacking blue collar people in the South.

          Useful Idiots.

      • October 30, 2019 at 12:53 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Trust me. Looking elsewhere. Planned to move to Idaho but my new/permanent girl friend hates cold weather and her daughters live here.

        But I have lots of friends who HAVE moved and many more considering it. Lots of boomers with money moving to Texas.

        Google: wealthy leave California. This is a trend, and not just with conservatives. (The good news: as the wealthy leave, inequality goes down! Hurray. Sorry about the lost tax dollars though.)

        The bad news: California’s tax system is so heavily weighted on the wealthy that when the bill comes due from the bankrupt public pension system, there won’t be many left to pay it. Congratulations. Another liberal success story.

        • October 30, 2019 at 2:09 pm
          CommLinesAgent says:
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          As long as we bought at the right time, we are all wealthy when we decide to sell our homes. As long as we move out of state :)

  • October 30, 2019 at 8:03 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    I made a factual comment about Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez. Andrew deleted it!!??!!??!!

    • October 30, 2019 at 10:34 pm
      Jon says:
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      ey Craig, remember on the vaping article where earlier today I pointed out all the ways you’ve lied and continued to lie, and then you went to another board and repeated the same lies instead of responding? Or how you did the same thing on the El nino article a little while after that, and then when I pointed out your lies there you came to this article and started with more lies? What’s that about? Afraid to man up? Let’s just repeat everything here so you have to run away from this board too, Coward.

      Jon says:
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      You have linked to the same study about THC and Psychosis and Schizophrenia, which shows potential correlation, not causation. Once again, because you seem to keep forgetting: CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION. You can not claim THC causes psychosis or schizophrenia given the evidence. When you do, like above, it makes you a liar.

      Your “source” on number of shooters was a right-wing opinion site. It was disproven. You immediately denied that snopes was valid as you’re doing now. Last time I checked, 19 out of 27 shooters “possibly” is not 26/27 of the last shooters. Once again, you made a false statement and doubled down on it instead of admitting your lie.

      Air conditioning I have disproven. They don’t emit CO2, the problem is Hydrofluorocarbon. Please check: WHAT A SHOCK once again something you said is false. It didn’t even take me a minute and I just pointed out three lies of yours that you have been called out, denied lying, and now been pointed out as delivering false information AGAIN. That’s what liars like you do, Craig. You double down on your lies instead of being men about it and admitting you were wrong. Pathetic.
      One last thing: To your nonsense claim that snopes is a leftist, discredited fact checker: seems a lot less biased than the garbage you’ve tried to pass off as “fact” on here. Pathetic.

      • October 31, 2019 at 3:45 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        The NY Times.

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