California Chicken Plant Shutting Down Due to Virus Outbreak

August 31, 2020

  • August 31, 2020 at 2:24 pm
    Bond says:
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    What they don’t tell the public is how much contact tracing was done to establish whether or not the spread was work related or community spread. It was NONE! Fact is testing has been done and is on going, and their rate of infection is running at or below .08%. This is Merced County, famous for one cities “sanctuary business city” stance and a county sheriff who wrote a letter blasting the governor. The health department has been weaponized by Newsom and Becerra and this is the big prize they have been looking for! Wish I could include the 8 page report the health department released on corrections and fines, it would sustain my contention perfectly, but it just to long! Sad day for a good company.

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