California Regulators Could Decide Oil Profits Penalty

By | March 17, 2023

  • March 17, 2023 at 12:40 pm
    Doug Spencer says:
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    CA gas special formulations and limited refining infrastructure development may cause major supply/demand issues. Oil companies have the right to be profitable to be able to develop and maintain capacity to serve. Most oil companies serve more than just the CA market!

  • March 17, 2023 at 2:45 pm
    All1g8r says:
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    How about imposing a penalty on the State of Calfornia for their ridiculous gas taxes and fees? The State imposes over $.50 in taxes/fees for each gallon of gas while oil companies profit in the $.30 range – and oil is their business! The State had the opportunity to reduce taxes/fees during the COVID crisis and failed to act.

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