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Senate Democrats Seek to Reverse Supreme Court Curb on Regulatory Agency Power

Jul 25 2024 // Democratic U.S. senators on Tuesday introduced a bill designed to undo a ruling last month by the U.S. Supreme Court that curtailed the ability of federal agencies to issue regulations addressing issues including the...

Judge: Protestors Can’t March Through Security Zone at Republican National Convention

Jul 11 2024 // MADISON, Wis . (AP) — A federal judge ruled Monday that protesters can’t march through a security zone at the Republican National Convention, handing a defeat to liberals who had pushed to have closer access to...

New Jersey Democratic Power Broker Norcross Pleads Not Guilty to Racketeering

Jul 11 2024 // The New Jersey Democratic power broker charged with racketeering by the state attorney general pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges he threatened people whose properties he sought to take over and orchestrated tax...

Senate Hopeful Pushes Insurance Revamp During California ‘Gouging’

Jul 10 2024 // US Representative Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who’s running for the Senate, is vowing to take another shot at reining in soaring home insurance rates that he says are “gouging” his constituents. To...

Republican Senators’ FARMER Act Seeks to Boost Crop Insurance Coverage

Apr 24 2024 // Republican senators this month introduced legislation they say would increase support for crop insurance and make higher levels of coverage more affordable to farmers. Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D) proposed the Federal...

Republicans Weigh Rolling Back Anti-ESG Law They Passed

Apr 23 2024 // Lawmakers in Oklahoma are having second thoughts about anti-ESG legislation that limits which Wall Street banks local governments can do business with. A Republican-introduced bill that would narrow the scope of a state...

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