AI for office work News

Robots Haven’t Eliminated Many Jobs – So Far: World Bank

The rise of automation has so far had a negligible impact on jobs at a global scale, the World Bank chief economist said, despite common gloomy predictions that humans are set to be replaced by machines. While advanced economies have …

Will Robots Take Your Job? It Depends on Where You Live: OECD

Will robots take your job? The answer depends on where you live. The threat varies “strikingly” between countries and regions, with as many as 40 percent of jobs at “high risk” in Western Slovakia and just 4 percent in the …

Robots Portend Grim Future for Working Class: Viewpoint

Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist and one of the pioneers of the world wide web, once declared: “The spread of computers and the internet will put jobs in two categories. People who tell computers what to do, and people who are …

QBE Invests in HyperScience Artificial Intelligence for Office Work

QBE Insurance Group Limited (QBE) through its QBE Ventures, has closed an investment into HyperScience, a machine learning company focused on building artificial intelligence products for automating office work. In addition to its investment, QBE has entered into a multi-year …