Apple watch News

Apple Resumes Sale of Watches After Appeals Court Lifts Ban

Apple Inc. said it would put its latest smartwatch models back on sale in its US retail stores Wednesday after it won a court ruling in a patent fight, providing a quick reprieve for its $17 billion business. The company …

Apple to Fight Watch Ban in Court After White House Declines to Act

Apple Inc., seeking to defend a business that generates roughly $17 billion a year, is appealing a US sales ban of its smartwatches after the White House refused to overturn the measure. Apple will challenge the ban — imposed by …

Doctor Claims Apple Watch Infringes His Heart Monitoring Technology Patent

A New York University cardiologist claims Apple Inc.’s Watch uses his patented heartbeat-monitoring invention and he wants compensation. Dr. Joseph Wiesel, who teaches at NYU School of Medicine, filed a suit Friday against the tech giant, in federal court in …

Big High Tech Is Big on Reimagining Health Care

Apple Inc.’s new watch is the latest proof: Big Tech is trying to remake health care in its own image. The device, introduced at a splashy launch event this week, can call for help after a fall. It can monitor …