Arctic sea ice News

Antarctica’s Shrinking Sea Ice Hits Record Low, Alarming Scientists

At its largest expanse this year, sea ice covered less than 17 million square kilometers (6.6 million square miles) of the Antarctic — an area that is 1 million square kilometers (almost 400,000 square miles) smaller than the previous record …

As Arctic Ice Melts, New Energy Shipping Trade Route Opens

A new trade route for energy supplies is opening up north of the Arctic Circle as some of the warmest temperatures on record shrink ice caps that used to lock ships out of the area. This year is likely to …

Arctic Winter Ice Covers 2nd Smallest Area on Record, Opening Region to Shipping

Winter sea ice on the Arctic Ocean covered the second smallest area on record this year, part of a thaw that is opening the region to shipping and oil exploration and may be disrupting weather far to the south, scientists …

Earth on Track to Hit Warmest Year on Record: NOAA

The earth is on track for its warmest year on record after October temperatures equaled the third-warmest for the month ever, a U.S. government agency said on Thursday. October globally was 1.31 Fahrenheit (0.73 Celsius) above the 20th century average …

Climate Records Keep Shattering with Hottest April in 12th Record-Setting Month

The number of climate records broken in the last few years is stunning. But here’s a new measure of misery: Not only did we just experience the hottest April in 137 years of record keeping, but it was the 12th …