carbon emissions News

It’s Right to Worry About Nightmare Climate Scenarios: Viewpoint

It’s hot out. It’s getting hotter. The climate memes practically write themselves: “Think this summer is hot? Consider it the coolest of the rest of the 21st century.” It’s these events—the extreme hot days, droughts, floods, and other weather phenomena …

Shell Fights Landmark Case Alleging Its Climate Change Stance Harms Human Rights

Royal Dutch Shell Plc is in court in The Hague for the final hearing in a landmark case that could force it to reduce its carbon footprint. The case brought by the Dutch arm of Friends of the Earth, Milieudefensie, …

Climate Change Litigants Argue Human Rights, Consumer Harm in Suing Oil Firms

LONDON/WASHINGTON/GENEVA — Climate change may be having its day in court. With the slow pace of international climate negotiations, lawyers from Switzerland to San Francisco are increasingly filing lawsuits demanding action. And they are getting creative — using new legal …

Group Warns Climate Regulations Could Disrupt Investment Strategies

Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned in a report. Rules aimed at lowering …

Europe’s Banks Move to Greener Finance in Response to Climate Change Risks

Some of Europe’s largest banks are unveiling plans to lend and manage money in greener ways as pressure mounts to account for risks associated with climate change. “It is coming, it’s a trend that’s started,” said Louis Douady, head of …

Climate Engineering Companies Aim to Curb Global Warming with Science

Scientists are sucking carbon dioxide from the air with giant fans and preparing to release chemicals from a balloon to dim the sun’s rays as part of a climate engineering push to cool the planet. Backers say the risky, often …

UK to Ban Sales of Fossil Fuel Powered Cars by 2040 to Cut Air Pollution

The UK became the latest European country to mark the end of the line for diesel and gasoline fueled cars as automakers such as Volvo race to build electric vehicles or face the consequences of getting left behind. In London, …

Trump Hands Climate Leadership Role to China to Dismay of Global Leaders

President Donald Trump’s decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish its image as a global leader. Trump’s withdrawal from …

Many Large Investors Tackle Climate Risks with Greener Investments

Most of the world’s largest asset owners have gotten the message that climate change poses a risk to their portfolios and are pivoting toward greener investments. Funds worth $27 trillion that comprise 60 percent of the world’s biggest investors are …

China & India Lead U.S. in Renewable Energy Targets: Allianz

Renewable power investments will need to rapidly grow in the coming two decades to be in line with the Paris Agreement climate goals, according to the Allianz Climate & Energy Monitor Deep Dive, which aims to inform investors and policymakers …