CB Insights News

Insurtech Funding Levels Hold Steady in Q2 vs. Q1: CB Insights

Funding for the insurtech sector held steady in the second-quarter of 2022, coming in at roughly $2.4 billion, the same as the overall funding figure recorded for first-quarter 2022, according to data released by CB Insights last week. The consistent …

P/C Insurtech Funding Reaches $4.7B Record in 2020 – A Story in Charts

After a slow start in 2020, insurtech funding reached a record level of $7.1 billion for the year, with $4.7 billion earmarked for property/casualty startups, according to a quarterly tracker of insurtech funding volume. According to the latest quarterly insurtech …

European Insurtech Investment Growth Surpasses North America in 2017: Accenture

Global investment in the insurance technology (insurtech) industry surged in 2017, with Europe emerging as a new insurtech hub outside the U.S., according to new research from Accenture. The research, which includes new analysis of CB Insights data on insurtech …

Incumbent Re/Insurers Drive Insurtech Investments in Q4 2017: Willis Towers Watson

Re/insurance industry incumbents are fueling investments in insurtech startups, sending a clear message to potential disruptive outsiders, according to a report published by Willis Towers Watson, which detailed 2017 trends in the insurtech sector. “Re/insurers, directly and through corporate venture …

China May Be Poised to Outpace U.S., Europe in Insurtech Innovation

Without legacy systems to drag down their efforts, companies in emerging market—and China, in particular – may be poised to outpace U.S. and European counterparts developing insurtech innovations. Unencumbered by legacy systems, technology innovators in emerging markets are often able …

Insurers Hope Insurtech Will ‘Nudge’ Customers to Less Risky Behaviors

Insurers are counting on real-time technology to help them cut back payouts, from a system warning ships of nearby pirates to an app offering to buy sleepy drivers a coffee on the motorway. The lure of products promising to save …

Bayer-Backed Health Startup, Medopad, Seeks $30M in New Funding: Sources

Medopad Ltd., backed by pharmaceuticals giant Bayer AG, is looking to raise new funds, joining the clutch of fast growing U.K. startups that are mixing artificial intelligence and health care. A London-based mobile platform for health-care companies, insurers, doctors and …

Reinsurers Invest in Fintech Startups to Diversify and Grow in Soft Market

When Micah Carr-Hill wanted to insure Chief, the Labrador that helps with his son’s autism therapy, he found an ally in Munich Re, the world’s biggest reinsurer. The German company had just teamed up with a U.K. internet startup to …

Q2 Insurtech Funding Rises to $1B: Willis Towers Watson/CB Insights Report

Insurtech funding volume hovered close to $1 billion in the 2017 second quarter, a result nearly 150 percent larger than the same period a year ago, according to a quarterly report on the sector from Willis Towers Watson and CB …

Tech Firms Collecting Data: How Much Do Consumers Know or Care?

Nearly every technology startup wants the same thing: more data. But in the rush to collect all manner of information about customers, tensions are rising in Silicon Valley over whether such practices amount to a form of surveillance that customers …