Connecticut worker’s compensation News

Court, Not Board, Must Decide If Insurer Was Negligent After Canceling Policy

Claims that a workers’ compensation insurer acted with negligence after it canceled a policy are for a court, not the state’s workers’ compensation board, to decide, the Connecticut Appellate Court has ruled. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. had succeeded before both …

Connecticut Approves 10% Rate Reductions for Workers’ Compensation for 2024

Businesses in Connecticut will receive a nearly 10% decrease in rates for workers’ compensation insurance beginning on January 1, 2024. The Connecticut Insurance Department has approved an annual workers’ compensation rate filing for 2024 with a decrease of 9.8% to …

Connecticut Eyes 9.8% Cut in Workers’ Compensation Costs

Connecticut workers’ compensation insurers are recommending an overall 9.8% reduction in loss costs in the voluntary market and a 10.5% overall reduction in the assigned risk market. The rate filing submitted to the Connecticut Insurance Department by the insurers’ National …

Connecticut Adds Cancer Presumption to Firefighters’ Workers’ Compensation

A new Connecticut law making it easier for firefighters who develop cancer to receive workers’ compensation benefits will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Approved as part of the state budget bill, this law creates a presumption during the …

Connecticut Approves 3% Cut in Workers’ Compensation Costs for 2023

Connecticut businesses will see another rate decrease in workers’ compensation insurance beginning on January 1, 2023. The Connecticut Insurance Department has officially approved an average decrease of 3% to workers’ compensation pure premium loss costs in the voluntary market. There …

Connecticut Supreme Court Denies Wife’s Emotional Distress Workers’ Comp Claim

A Connecticut woman who found her 77-year-old husband crushed to death under an all-terrain vehicle when she brought him lunch at his job cannot sue his employer for severe emotional injuries she suffered, the state Supreme Court ruled recently. Justices …

Connecticut High Court Blocks Injury Suit Against Contractor

Two workers injured in a power plant explosion that killed six other people in 2010 cannot sue a contractor for negligence, the state Connecticut Supreme Court recently ruled. Justices issued a 6-1 decision saying O&G Industries of Torrington is immune …

Connecticut Launches New Website to Help Fight Fraud

The state of Connecticut is launching a new website to help fight fraud, waste and abuse in state government. Officials say the website, located at, will make it easier for the public to report suspicious conduct. It will also …

Connecticut Approves Workers’ Comp Loss Cost Decrease of 3.9%

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Katharine L. Wade said Connecticut employers can expect to pay less next year for their workers’ compensation insurance as a result of the Insurance Department’s approval this week of a rate filing that lowers rates and the …

NCCI Proposes Decrease for Workers’ Comp Loss Costs in Connecticut

The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) on Sept. 24 delivered a workers’ compensation loss cost filing to the Connecticut Insurance Department. NCCI said that based upon its review of the most recently available data, it has proposed an overall …