consumers on self-driving cars News

Users Want Self-Driving Vehicles That Drive Like They Do, Sort of

Do passengers want self-driving cars to mimic their personal driving behaviors or do they hold these autonomous vehicles to a different standard? Recent studies have shown that people have negative attitudes about using autonomous systems because they don’t trust them. …

How Much Americans Could Save by Ridesharing Driverless Cars Over Owning

Self-driving cars promise safer roads, less traffic and increased mobility. Some autonomous vehicle proponents also maintain they will save time and money. But will they really save Americans time and money? And even if they do, are Americans ready to …

Majority of Americans Don’t Trust Self-Driving Cars

Fully self-driving cars are set the hit the road within four years, but most Americans aren’t ready to buy them. The majority of U.S. consumers remain wary of the developing technology, with 55 percent of drivers surveyed by consultant AlixPartners …