greenhouse gas News

Louisiana Advances Toward Large Carbon-Capture Project

Three energy corporations are partnering on a carbon- capture project with the hopes of dramatically reducing industrial carbon dioxide emissions in Louisiana, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced Wednesday. ExxonMobil, CF Industries and EnLink Midstream have entered into an agreement with …

Explainer: Will U.S. Supreme Court EPA Ruling Rein in Federal Regulators?

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday curtailed the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to restrict greenhouse gas emissions from power plants in a 6-3 ruling that some legal experts said would more broadly curb the federal government’s regulatory power. Below is …

Report Casts Doubt on Net-Zero Emissions Pledges by Big Global Companies

Corporate plans to slash greenhouse gas emissions fall short of what is needed to combat climate change, with “major credibility gaps” found among the world’s largest companies, according to a new stocktake of net-zero efforts in the public and private …

AIG: Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Underwriting, Investments by 2050

American International Group said it is committing to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within its underwriting and investment portfolios by 2050. “AIG is focused on the realities of climate change,” said Peter Zaffino, AIG chairman and CEO, in a statement. “The …

Southern California Spill Spewing Gases of a Half-Million Cars

Call it the invisible spill. You can’t see it, but it’s there – a steady stream of natural gas seeping out of the pipe casing in a well in Southern California that may spew as much greenhouse gas into the …

Insurer Philadelphia Cos. Counts Carbon Footprint

It’s no secret that many property/casualty insurers are tackling climate change on the back end through more sophisticated catastrophe modeling, calls for more resilient communities and pricing. But it seems to be a common misconception that the industry – like …

Methane Emissions Becoming an Issue for North Dakota Oil Industry

Methane emissions will likely be the next big environmental issue to face North Dakota’s booming oil industry according to a top official at the state’s Department of Health. Dave Glatt, chief of the Department of Health’s environmental health section, said …

Va. Supreme Court: Insurer Not Liable For Claims From Global Warming

The Virginia Supreme Court has ruled in favor of an insurance company in a closely watched legal case involving global warming. The high court ruled that Steadfast Insurance Co., which provided commercial general liability (CGL) coverage for energy company AES …