hiring practices News

Wells Fargo Must Face Lawsuit Over Sham Job Interviews

A U.S. judge ordered Wells Fargo to face a lawsuit alleging it defrauded shareholders by proclaiming its commitment to hiring diversity, even as it conducted sham job interviews of non-white and female applicants it had no plans to hire. U.S. …

US Sues SpaceX, Alleges Hiring Discrimination Against Asylum Seekers, Refugees

The U.S. Justice Department sued Elon Musk-owned rocket and satellite company SpaceX on Thursday for allegedly discriminating against asylum recipients and refugees in hiring. “The lawsuit alleges that, from at least September 2018 to May 2022, SpaceX routinely discouraged asylees …

Conservative Starbucks Investor Loses Diversity Challenge

A U.S. judge on Friday dismissed as frivolous a conservative activist investor’s lawsuit against Starbucks’ board for the coffee chain‘s diversity, equity and inclusion policies. The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) sued in August 2022 over Starbucks’ setting …

Paper Finds Employers Increasingly Willing to Hire Workers With Criminal Records

Newswise — A new paper in The Quarterly Journal of Economics, published by Oxford University Press, indicates that many American businesses are willing to hire workers with criminal records. Such companies become even more interested in hiring such workers if …

Why Employers Should Stop Hiring Based on Work History

A common hiring philosophy used for generations is being flipped on its head by new research from Florida State University. Screening job applicants based on their prior work experience is often a mistake among employers, according to Chad Van Iddekinge, …

5 Steps to Improving Producer Hiring Results

As an agency owner, the success of your business is directly tied to your hiring process. Each bad hire can easily cost $100,000 to $200,000. However, good producers can add $1 million of annual revenue (which nets most owners around …

In Lawsuit, Union Says GM Should Replace Temps With Laid-Off Workers

The United Auto Workers union is accusing General Motors of violating a national contract by using temporary workers instead of employing full-timers who were laid off from its factories. The union filed a federal lawsuit in Cleveland alleging that GM …

EEOC Updates Best Practices for Using Criminal Records in Hiring

Recognizing that technology has changed hiring procedures and also that more people are coming in contact with the criminal justice system, the federal government has updated its guidelines for employers who use arrest and conviction records in their hiring decisions …