hurricane research News

Risk Perception Drops After Hurricanes: Study

As time passes after hurricanes, new analysis by Stanford University researchers shows perception of personal risk, including the likelihood of injury and home damage, decline. The findings suggest that programs and policies that aid households to think beyond stocking up …

Researchers to Build ‘Cat 6’ Hurricane Simulator with 200 mph Winds

The Category 6 hurricane’s howling winds accelerate to a startling 200 mph in Miami, mercilessly pummeling a two-story wood-frame house until the roof tears off and the rattling windows explode. And a towering 20-foot storm surge spawns battering waves, swamping …

Hurricanes Staying Stronger Longer After Landfall Than in Past

Hurricanes are keeping their staying power longer once they make landfall, spreading more inland destruction, according to a new study. Warmer ocean waters from climate change are likely making hurricanes lose power more slowly after landfall, because they act as …

Why Damage from Hurricanes Keeps Rising

A destructive storm rising from warm waters. Again. America and the world are getting more frequent and bigger multibillion dollar tropical catastrophes like Hurricane Laura, which menaced the U.S. Gulf Coast, because of a combination of increased coastal development, natural …

New Hurricane Research Looks Like Good News for Atlantic Coast

Active Atlantic hurricane periods, like the one now, are not necessarily a harbinger of more, rapidly intensifying hurricanes along the U.S. coast, according to new research performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In fact, the research — published Jan. 4, …

Researchers Find Link Between Atlantic Hurricanes and Amazon Wildfires

Researchers have uncovered a “remarkably strong link” between high wildfire risk in the Amazon basin and the hurricanes that ravage North Atlantic shorelines. The wildfire-hurricane association is a result of ocean-atmosphere interactions, according to the researchers who say this north-south …

Miami Researchers Studying Hurricanes by Creating On-Demand Storms

Researchers trying to figure out what makes some hurricanes strengthen into catastrophic monsters have a new lab that allows them to generate tropical storm conditions with the flip of a switch. The lab is at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel …

NOAA’s Hurricane Hunter Planes Get $42 million Upgrade

The hurricane planes known affectionately as “Miss Piggy” and “Kermit” are getting new Rolls-Royce engines, new wings and better radar. Every hurricane season for nearly four decades, the two technologically packed planes have flown into storms at speeds of up …

NOAA Hopes Drones Get Data from Hurricane Edouard

U.S. government scientists are launching winged drones into Hurricane Edouard, hoping to collect data that could help forecasters understand what makes some storms strengthen into monsters while others fade away. This week’s launches mark the first time that unmanned aircraft …