Martin Weitzman News

It’s Right to Worry About Nightmare Climate Scenarios: Viewpoint

It’s hot out. It’s getting hotter. The climate memes practically write themselves: “Think this summer is hot? Consider it the coolest of the rest of the 21st century.” It’s these events—the extreme hot days, droughts, floods, and other weather phenomena …

Why People Overestimate the Risk of Black Swan Events

In his 2007 book “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable,” finance writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb attempted to educate the public about the danger of rare, unusual events. This is obviously important in the world of finance — …

Insure Against Risk of Climate Catastrophe: Peter Orszag in Bloomberg View

“Go Set a Watchman” isn’t the only book this year that brings new perspective to an old story line. “Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet” should shift our narrative on climate change. The old story line: People …