President Donald Trump News

Trump Protester Struck by Car in California Sues City, Driver and University

A woman who was hit by a car while protesting against President Donald Trump on a San Diego freeway is suing the driver, the city, the state and a nearby university. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported 19-year-old Maria Carrola Flores …

New Jersey’s Menendez, Pallone Tout Flood Insurance Reform Legislation

Five years after Superstorm Sandy devastated towns along the New Jersey shore, Sen. Bob Menendez and Rep. Frank Pallone want changes made to federal flood insurance they said will fix a system that often failed beleaguered homeowners. Speaking Thursday on …

Trump Approves Disaster Assistance for New Hampshire

President Donald Trump on Wednesday issued a major disaster declaration for New Hampshire and will provide federal emergency assistance following severe storms that hit the state last month. The storms dropped more than an inch of rain per hour. About …

Anthem to Exit Obamacare Plans in Virginia as Legislative Uncertainties Continue

U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc. said on Friday [Aug. 11] it will exit Obamacare markets in Virginia and reduce its plan offerings in Washington and Scott counties and the city of Bristol next year. The move comes nearly two weeks …

Trump Delivers To-Do List for McConnell: Repeal & Replace, Infrastructure, Tax-Code

President Donald Trump laid out a path for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to get back in his good graces: replace Obamacare, overhaul the U.S. tax code and find a way to pay for big infrastructure improvements. Yet clearing Trump’s …

New Study Reaffirms Virginia Flooding Predictions as Sea Levels Rise

A new study reaffirms predictions that parts of coastal Virginia will face chronic flooding if nothing is done about sea-level rise. The Union of Concerned Scientists said Wednesday that a city like Poquoson, Va., could experience routine inundation on 30 …

Colorado’s Democratic Governor Hops on Global Climate Pact

Colorado’s Democratic governor added his state to a dozen others endorsing the Paris global accord on climate change even as President Donald Trump withdraws the nation from the agreement. Gov. John Hickenlooper said the state would also set a goal …

New York Says Exxon’s Climate Change Proxy Costs May Be a `Sham’

New York’s top cop told a judge that an investigation into Exxon Mobil Corp.’s public statements about climate change uncovered “significant evidence” the oil giant may have misled investors. In a court filing Friday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman …

Political Risk a Growing Concern, Say Brokers, Insurers

Evan Freely has been insuring global risks for years — through the 2008 market meltdown, the 2002 crisis in Argentina, and the 1993 downturn in Venezuela. Yet turmoil now seems to be coming at a more rapid pace than he’s …

Global Momentum to Curb Climate Change Proceeds Despite Trump: UN

Governments have created “worldwide momentum” to slow climate change despite threats by U.S. President Donald Trump to pull out of the 2015 Paris Agreement to slash greenhouse gas emissions, the U.N.’s climate chief said on Friday. “The Paris Agreement remains …