ShareAction News

Credit Suisse Investors Push for Faster Climate Action

A group of Credit Suisse investors pushing for faster climate action at the Swiss bank has more than doubled in size, raising pressure on its board ahead of its annual shareholder meeting on Friday. Credit Suisse, along with other major …

Major Reinsurers Look to Exclude Coal from Treaty Policies, as Climate Pressure Grows

Major reinsurers have already pulled back from providing bespoke cover for coal projects as part of efforts to meet global climate change commitments, but now comes the hard part – finding ways to exclude coal from bulk-buy contracts, known as …

World’s Largest Insurers ‘Failing’ to Address Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss

Most of the world’s largest insurers are failing to adequately address systemic risks such as climate change and biodiversity loss, but a group of five U.S. insurers are some of those that rank the lowest, according to report published by …