UK market News

UK Water Companies Lambasted by Environment Agency for Sewage Releases

Britain’s Environment Agency on Tuesday lambasted the country’s water companies for spewing sewage into rivers and seas, saying the majority of them were failing to get the basics right, as it outlined plans for a tougher regulatory approach. Years of …

British Insurers Propose Green Infrastructure Funding Model

Britain’s insurers set out plans on Monday on how to channel billions of pounds freed up from their safety buffers into infrastructure such as EV charging stations to boost growth. The new Labour government in Britain has said that chunks …

Ardonagh Advisory Acquires UK’s Rollinson Smith Insurance Brokers

Ardonagh Advisory has acquired Rollinson Smith Insurance Brokers (RSIB), a UK community broker that operates in the Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands and North Wales regions with significant reach in London as well as other areas of the country. Financial details …

Banks Face Record Number of UK Lawsuits as Economy Stumbles

Banks in the UK are embroiled in the highest number of lawsuits in a decade in a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. Almost three new cases involving financial services firms were filed every day on average at …

Investors Put UK Election Winner Labour on Credibility Watch

Big investors are warming to Britain after a landslide election win for its new Labour government but remain wary of placing long term bets until Prime Minister Keir Starmer can convince them his economic growth plans are credible. Sterling GBP=D3, …

Labour Win Brings Few Hopes or Fears to London’s Financial District

Labour’s landslide election win shows few signs of unsettling London’s financial heartland after the party’s lengthy pro-business overtures, though many in finance remain wary they could be targeted to prop up Britain’s stretched public finances further down the line. Under …

European Job Seekers Turn Away From UK After Brexit

Irish workers have been making the short trip over to the UK to find employment for centuries, escaping famine and more recently the aftermath of the financial crisis. But new data suggests that job seekers from across the Irish Sea …

Britain’s ‘Quiet Quitters’ Are Costing the Economy £257 Billion

The UK economy lost more than £257 billion ($327 billion) in potential output because of demotivated workers last year, adding to a productivity crisis that’s left the country falling behind other wealthy nations. Just one in 10 UK workers were …

City of London Is Relaxed About the Prospect of a Labour Election Win

In the City of London, executives are looking forward to the imminent general election as a chance for clarity after a turbulent few years. Matthew Beesley, chief executive officer at Jupiter Fund Management Plc, said markets are not afraid of …

Climate Change Made Recent UK and Ireland Storms Much Worse

The heavy downpours seen in the UK and Ireland last fall and winter were about 20% worse because of climate change, a new scientific report found. The region saw as many as 14 severe storms between October and March, flooding …