Lawmaker Seeks to Ban Pit Bulls from N.Y. City

December 29, 2006

  • December 29, 2006 at 8:58 am
    DH says:
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    While I do no have a pit I do have a rottweiller – my 3rd and a more loving dog you would never find. She came from abusive background – beaten and trained to fight. With patience and love she is now wonderful. I am sick to death of the system protecting gangs and criminals – Ban them – better yet – they have trained themselves to kill – put them in an arena. maybe some good old fashioned Roman justice will get through their thick heads – and if not – no loss. Toss the politicians in too!

  • December 29, 2006 at 10:20 am
    caveat emptor says:
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    AMEN! as a matter of fact, when I was 7 my gerbil bit me and the wound became infected…I could have died. BAN THE GERBILS!!!!
    Chihuahuas attack mailmen in disproportionate numbers…BAN THEM!
    Let\’s see, what else can we ban…Oh, yeah, stupid people who sit around taking up my resources and breathing my air!
    (for the record, I own a stupid little dachshund who\’s as docile as a kitten so no, I\’m not a pit bull owner I just know lunatic laws when I see them)

  • December 29, 2006 at 1:24 am
    KLS says:
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    LOL!!! I second the AMEN!

    Ban Stupid People!

    …But then what would we do when all the politicians are gone? =)

  • December 29, 2006 at 1:54 am
    Sam says:
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    These dogs actually make great family pets. Smart and very loyal. Poodles attack too! Dont see anyone banning them, do you?

  • December 29, 2006 at 2:06 am
    Agreed says:
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    Add another amen to your posts. My mother-in-law had a chihuahua that had the most miserable disposition that a dog could have towards others. Solution?: Keep the kids and others away from the dog & vice versa. Seemed to work for us. Wonder what the dog bite statistics in the banned cities are now? Just a different breed? Can we ban politicians, attorneys, etc. too?

  • December 29, 2006 at 2:27 am
    Ray says:
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    I want to chime in on this discussion. I firmly believe that it is nurture more than nature that results in dogs attacking humans. The statistics are interesting with some of the follows as examples:

    -Majority of dog attacks occur at home or in a familiar place
    -Vast majority of biting dogs belong to the victim\’s family or friend
    -Baseball/softball injuries generate about 1/3 more emergency room visits a year (shall we ban baseball or softball?)
    -In 2000, a Pomeranian killed a 6-week old baby (this is a four pound dog – vicious killer)

    On the other hand, during a 24-year period in the US, about 65% of canine homocides were the result of attacks by pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes.

    I say, impose much harsher penalties on the people who own dogs that bite/attack. Make owners more responsible.

  • December 29, 2006 at 2:43 am
    bob says:
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    My question to your pit bull defenders: why would you want to own a breed that was bred for the sole purpose of attack, and risk injury to your child, grandchildren, or unsuspecting neighbor, when you could own a \”safe\” breed like a lab, etc?
    there are lots of option available, with a fraction of the risk.

  • December 29, 2006 at 3:10 am
    Caveat Idiot says:
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    First be required to take a course in dog training of a proven vicious breed.

    The law of large numbers show us that Pit Bulls as a bread have a propencity to rip people to shreds at random. Girbils are not as likely to do this. So that Girbil argument is stupid. Interesting that you still own a gerbil as a grown man though…..
    Assualt Weapons? Banned….Pit Bull, assualt Dog?? Banned, unless you take a course in pitt bull training.

  • December 29, 2006 at 3:14 am
    Pack Mentality says:
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    Whens the last time a girbil or chu wawa got loose and surrounded a child and killed it???

    Just curious, send me the link, thanks.

    And ill send the 100\’s of rabid pit bull kills old lady and child articles.

  • December 29, 2006 at 4:33 am
    caveat emptor says:
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    Don\’t want to OWN one, just don\’t want to see them banned as it infringes on rights that are already eroding away.
    Also, chihuahuas were originally bred to be skinned, tanned and used as water gourds…does that mean we should be using them for that now?
    My stupid little dachshund was originally bred to flush mean little badgers out of their holes…MY dog is afraid of butterflies and refuses to go under the couch because it\’s dark under there.
    Dogs are NOT their ancestry, they are their training and they are their owner\’s attitudes. Period.

  • December 29, 2006 at 4:36 am
    caveat emptor says:
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    A. spell it right
    B. read the post – I was 7 then
    C. ALL (repeat, ALL) dogs have a pack mentality. They will, given the right circumstances, rip something to shreds…they are all born of wolves they are all hunters and scavengers.
    D. ABC certified dog trainer for 15 years. I have forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

  • December 29, 2006 at 4:50 am
    caveat emptor says:
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    oh, and by the way, December 30th 2005 there were 5 chihuahuas that attacked a Fremont California police officer, in New York City, 3 attacked a mailman and sent him to the hospital in 2002…no big news story because people thought it was FUNNY. There are many more but they don\’t get much press and people of meager intellect rely on the newspapers and politicians to tell them what they should think is both correct and important.

  • December 29, 2006 at 5:20 am
    Give him a break says:
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    Touche\’ Caveat Idiot\’s sign should have been Re Ipsa Loqitor considering the nature of the spelling and comments. Maybe a turn on the addage \”When they outlaw dogs, …… How about banning politicians & attorneys? We all would get along better, I bet.

  • December 29, 2006 at 6:14 am
    caveat emptor says:
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    Hey Give Him,
    Thanks for teaching me something (or in this case, RE-teaching me something) I love to arm myself with knowledge. I got on the web and looked up what Res Ipsa Loqitor means…despite my screen name, most of my Latin class is gone, gone, gone :-)
    Peace, and happy New Year!

  • December 30, 2006 at 3:37 am
    Garth Courtney says:
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    In The Netherlands they enacted a similar law banning Pit Bulls only to rescind that law three years later. After the dogs were banned they were replaced by other breeds of dogs to do the same horrible deeds. It\’s no coincedence that Pit Bulls make up a large percentage of the dogs you find in animal shelters. Why? Because they are very popular amongst the type of people who have no idea how to care for their own children much less a dog. It\’s a pretty simple concept. Much like a child who is raised right, they will turn out to be good people. The same is true with dogs. Are their exceptions? Of course their is. The problem with Pit Bulls is not the dogs themselves it\’s the people who own them.

  • December 31, 2006 at 7:26 am
    Ray says:
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    I am surprised, I don\’t seem to see any of those raving anti-dog forces on this thread…

    Maybe deep down they realize that we are talking about animals and animals who we have shaped to our needs, not their natural personalities.

    Bad dog = bad master.

  • January 2, 2007 at 12:10 pm
    bubba says:
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    if a dog proves to be violent and vicious, get rid of the dog. Lock it away, put it down or whatever. Deal with the problem and leave the gov\’t out of it.

  • January 3, 2007 at 9:43 am
    Debbie says:
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    then Shepards, then Chows until some day the only dog we will be allowed to have are Chihuahuas!

  • January 3, 2007 at 11:23 am
    One of the Few says:
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    First of all, your argument loses it\’s ability to sound intelligent when you fail to spell almost every noun incorrectly. Secondly, NO child should be left unattended with any animal. The child typically is at face level with the dog when standing. My 6 year old races around quite a bit. Fast movement tends to scare animals. Especially when it comes from a creature known for pushing, pulling, and prodding the animals it comes in contact with. Children are more dangerous than pits. Thirdly, if you have a jerk on one end of the leash, you are bound to have a jerk on the other. Any animal can be trained to be vicious. I have owned several pitbulls and most of them were convinced they were lap dogs. The proposed law is ridiculous, but then, what else do politicans have to do with their time? It\’s not like people are out of work and starving. . .

  • January 10, 2007 at 10:06 am
    Ashley says:
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    To those of you in favor of the ban…Im sure some of you have had bad experiences with pits and are justified in your beliefs. However, Im sure you may have also had bad experiences with other breeds as well, or perhaps with a snake, or whatever…
    Im curious though, as to how many of you have actually ever owned or been exposed to pit bulls? I have a 13 month old pit laying beside me in the floor right now. I look over and he is snuggled into a tiny ball with his head under his paws, tail tucked in, holding a stuffed bear in his mouth. He is the gentlest dog I have ever owned. Strangers can knock on my door and he becomes excited at the company. However, my neighbors, who frequently drink and use illegal drugs are not welcomed by my dog. He does seem to become agressive towards them. I am quite proud, as a single female living alone in the city, that I can feel safe. Why judge without knowlege? Why make remarks based upon ignorance rather than fact? It disgusts me.

  • January 10, 2007 at 11:09 am
    Jorin Hawley says:
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    Hi all – I just wanted to encourage everyone to read the open letter to Peter Vallone, Jr., posted by North Shore Animal League America and to send him an email encouraging him to reconsider his campaign to ban pit bulls from New York City.

    Read the letter:

    If you are in the camp that agrees with the ban (or know someone who does) please read this:

    The Real Problem with Pit Bulls:

    Please pass the information on to others who need to know what\’s really going on. It matters.

    Jorin Hawley
    North Shore Animal League America

  • January 13, 2007 at 4:46 am
    md says:
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    Actually, it\’s not as simple as just staying away. If that were an option, don\’t you think people would do that? How many people do chihuaha\’s actually kill? Why is it that people are ignoring the fact that even though other dogs attack/bite/nip more than pitbulls might, pitbulls KILL more people!!! Just quit being in denial & face the facts! PITBULLS KILL MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER TYPE OF DOG!!!
    Do you think I could have just \”kept away\” from the pitbull that attacked me & my dog? We were just walking down the road, my dog walking on his leash like a perfect gentleman, when the pitbull leaps out of its owner\’s fancy SUV to race down the street, raging like a maniac, & then grabs my dog by the throat before either of us even know what\’s happened. WHAT EXACTLY SHOULD WE HAVE DONE IN THAT SITUATION TO \”KEEP AWAY\” FROM THE PITBULL???
    I\’d be so happy if NYC banned pitbulls. I don\’t agree with mass murder of innocent dogs, so I have no problem with grandfathering in all existing pitbulls in the city as long as they are neutered & as long as they are muzzled in public. It\’s not simply nurture and I don\’t know when people are going to realize that. Study some biology, people!!! Stop being so goddamn ignorant & stop refusing to see the truth simply because you want to be idealistic!
    I find it extremely hard to believe that of the THREE times I\’ve WITNESSED dog attacks it was just a COINCIDENCE that they were pitbulls. It was a pitbull that attacked my dog & my father in NYC. It was two pitbulls living across the street from my apt at college who attacked people TWICE (once my friend, the second time, some stranger walking down the road) before they were finally seized by animal control. And it was a pitbull most recently that charged me & my dog in the rich, fancy neighborhood of north Broadway in Saratoga Springs. Now, of ALL the hundreds of dogs I encounter every year (and they are usually interested in me since I go everywhere with a service dog), WHY is it that the ones who I have seen attack (or do their best to try to attack) are ALWYAS pitbulls? I\’m not chalking it up to unfortunate coincidence anymore.

  • January 13, 2007 at 4:51 am
    md says:
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    And really, why can\’t people just make muzzle laws? They have leash laws (although cops often do a piss-poor job of enforcing them). So what\’s the problem with mandatory muzzling of pitbulls if people don\’t want to ban them? Heck, why not have it mandatory for ALL dogs to be muzzled? I, personally, wouldn\’t care if I had to muzzle my dogs. Why should I? So why haven\’t they thought of this? If some thugs think they\’re gonna be cool & not muzzle their dogs, then arrest them just as you would arrest someone with an unlicensed handgun. Those jerks with their pitbulls are just as bad as if they were walking around with loaded guns pointed at everyone on the street (except that they aren\’t even the ones usually holding the trigger… the dog is holding the trigger at its own discretion).
    So arrest them & seize the dog if they won\’t muzzle it. That way, truly law-abiding citizens can keep their pitbulls & be responsible & not have to worry about pitbulls getting a bad rap, and the rest of the public doesn\’t have to worry about being attacked.

  • January 18, 2007 at 11:33 am
    J. Lii says:
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    To the person who posted the comment \”Why didn\’t anyone ever think of this before\” Referring to muzzle laws…. you said it yourself that police \”do a piss poor job of enforcement\”. Since you know that there currently exists a lack of enforcement, then you can spend as much time as you do on these bulletin boards, while in your angry state of mind, to get the Mayor, and politicians to ENFORCE stricter laws for REGISTERING any and every single animal in NY STAte, and make mandatory neutering, and spaying a law, and micro-chips for every single dog.
    Any animal control officer should be able to use a scanner to examine any dog anywhere to see its history, and if an owner does not have a microchip in his dog, there should be a system in place to fine the owner, or take the dog away.
    ADMIT that the City is lacking in protecting the public by \”doing a piss poor job of enforcement\” BEFORE you back a ban of any sort.
    WHAT THE HECK Makes you THINK for one second that if the police are already \”doing a piss poor job\” in your opinion that they will do ANYTHING to search and destroy once the ban goes into affect?!
    Use your engery as I have done to write to the politicians to GET them to enforce and make new laws to register all animals in NY State.

  • January 18, 2007 at 11:41 am
    J. Lii says:
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    If you took the time to read
    \”What pit bulls can teach us about profiling\” By Malcom Gladwell in the Nyew Yorker Magazine.
    You\’ll understand ALL the circumstances and details about WHY SF banned Pit Bulls, and WHY politicians hide behind stupid laws to ban specific breeds RATHER than admiting any wrong doing , or taking serious and long lasting steps to protect public safety, and address issues of poverty, and gangs.
    READ North Shore Animal League\’s open letter to Peter Vallone Jr. on their website, and Cesar Milan\’s comments to Canadian govt\’ on their ban on pit bulls.
    FOLKS admit it, THESE people are armed with more facts, and more first hand knowledge than you!!!!
    BAnning the pit bulls breeds will cause a black market that will be fueled by ignorant thugs. Soon after gangs will find another breed to exploit, perhaps the Rotty (again) or the Doberman ( Again) or the Mastiff (again) all bred to guard against humans.

  • January 19, 2007 at 3:02 am
    md says:
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    Why are you so hostile towards me? You are asking these questions assuming that I DON\’T hold the city responsible for enforcing the laws & that I don\’t complain to them about it. And you say \”then you can spend as much time as you do on these bulletin boards\” to complain to the city, which is funny since those were the only 2 posts I\’ve made to \”these bulletin boards\” until this very one (& you yourself posted twice…). And I made them one right after the other…
    I really don\’t think it would be that difficult for the cops to see people with their dogs unmuzzled since people walk their dogs all over NYC. There are a few areas where I have seen people with their dogs off-leash, but we have LEASH laws for a reason! Imagine how many people would just let their dogs run around off-leash if we didn\’t have a leash law! So when it comes to muzzling, it may not be perfect & there are always people who break the laws, but it would be SOMETHING. You don\’t have to do much searching to see dogs being walked around NYC & it\’d be pretty obvious if one of them wasn\’t wearing a muzzle. So it\’s not really a matter of search and destroy for the most part.
    When it comes to registering & spaying/neutering & microchipping, I agree. My dog underwent all of those things. But it\’s a bit more difficult for a cop to SEE that a dog is microchipped, spayed/neutered, & registered than it is for them to SEE that it doesn\’t have a muzzle on. I know that when cops SEE it, they like to cause problems because I\’ve experienced it myself. I actually WASN\’T breaking the law even thought the cop THOUGHT I was (he had no idea there were service dogs besides just seeing eye dogs & tried to throw me & my service dog out of the subway until I set him straight & threatened him with a lawsuit), but it goes to show that if they are told that a certain thing is against the rules, they can and will throw their power around. They like to do that sort of thing.
    The point is, why are you so resistant to muzzling? You say it\’s stupid because we have to get the city to actually enforce it & while I agree that they should, saying that a law is hard to enforce (i.e. cops usually don\’t want to bother) does not mean that the law should not exist. Why is it then not an acceptable step before banning pitbulls altogether? If you\’re that opposed to banning, why should you be so offended by a muzzle law? I\’m a dog owner, a SERVICE dog owner, & I\’m not opposed to my dog wearing a muzzle if that was the law.

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