New York Law Expands Health Insurance Enrollment for Pregnancy

January 4, 2016

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently signed legislation to expand health insurance access to pregnant New Yorkers.

The measure, signed by Cuomo on Dec. 22, would permit pregnant women to enroll in the state health insurance exchange at any time during their pregnancy — making New York the first state in the nation to make pregnancy a “qualifying life event” in order to obtain health insurance benefits at any time through the health exchange.

“This legislation will help expectant mothers get access to essential pre-natal care and help build a stronger and healthier New York,” Cuomo said. “I thank the bill sponsors for their hard work on this critically important issue that will have a significant impact on future generations of New Yorkers.”

Previously, pregnancy was not included on the list of qualifying life events. Such life events include a change in residence, birth or adoption of a child, and marriage, divorce, or death of a spouse. As such, enrollment through the exchange is only available during the open enrollment period, which is October through December.

The bill (S. 5972/A. 6780B) will make pregnancy a “qualifying life event,” allowing enrollment in an insurance plan at any time during the pregnancy through the state’s health insurance exchange, New York State of Health.

Insurance coverage for the woman would be effective as of the first of the month in which the woman is certified as pregnant.

Source: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office

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  • January 8, 2016 at 2:56 pm
    confused says:
    For all you against this- how is becoming pregnant not a life changing event already???? I'm pretty sure becoming pregnant and having a child is one of the greatest life chang... read more
  • January 7, 2016 at 2:16 pm
    Ron says:
    Get your facts straight, Trust me, I do my fair share of volunteering and donating to charity. That is part of the reason I end up getting a refund from the government at tax ... read more
  • January 7, 2016 at 11:34 am
    Get your facts straight... says:
    If you feel more could be done, then the first thing is to look at what you can do. Chances are a great percentage of those taxes will be rerouted to other uses or lost to gov... read more

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