Over 30 Countries Agree: Bird Flu Preparedness is Key

March 16, 2007

  • March 17, 2007 at 2:23 am
    Jackalope Lepus says:
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    Thank you for posting this article; it is one of the few articles that I have been able to discover online on the 4th International Bird Flu Summit in Washington DC.

    Avian flu is only one or two mutations away from widespread human transmission but the news media ignores this important summit altogether. I salute your journal for having the foresight to cover it and hope that when the pandemic comes that you will post an \”I told you so\” on your website.

  • March 17, 2007 at 9:42 am
    Matt Brown says:
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    277 out of 3.5 billion catch this which would equate to 1 10 millionth of a percent? My recently separated, soon-to-be ex-wife has caused me more stress and health related issues than any so called disease or pandemic ever menteniond. I don\’t even know if I am saying this right. Has the media ever been even close to being right on any pandemic, natural and/or man-made disaster? It seems like they just like to keep individuals scared or wasting time thinking about things that never seem to materialize, while their lives are being sucked away.

  • March 17, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Ginger Lautner says:
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    thank you for posting this artical i to think the bird flu could become a pandemic and i pray that people will take it seiously my husband think\’s it is a big joke and mock\’s it right now we have two small kid\’s and i want to stock up on food and water etc but he say\’s if y2k didn\’t happen the bird flu won\’t i pray he is right as i don\’t ant to die from this

  • April 12, 2007 at 7:17 am
    V Tremblay says:
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    I equate Matt Brown with those who fail to heed the warnings about Global Warming. My question to all of these skeptics is, \”What if the overwhelming number of scientists are wrong and we prepare for something that does not happen? What\’s the down-size? In the case of Global Warming it\’s clean air and the elimination of our dependence on oil. In the case of the bird flu, it\’s numerous canned goods, batteries, and medical supplies around the house. In Florida we call that being prepared for hurricane season.
    My hope for all of the skeptics and their families is that the scientists who raised the alarm develop a vaccine in time to prevent the pandemic.

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