Syncora’s Strategy in Detroit Bankruptcy Proceedings Backfires

By and | September 2, 2014

  • September 8, 2014 at 7:27 pm
    Layla says:
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    Syncora shouldn’t accept anything less than full payment.

    Rhodes, Rosen, USBank Barry Schneiderman, Rueben Rashty at JPMorgan, Dan Gilbert and Greektown Casino, Robert Ficano, Dave Bing, Warren Evans, Benny Napoleon, and many more have profited hand over fist.

    First they bring Detroit into Bankruptcy with their illegal corruption, property swaps and “bad” investments.

    Then they turn around and make more profit by “cleaning up Detroit”. Operative word is cleaning. They have cleaned Detroit out of everything she has and will have.

    Nice Job Oakland County Corruptness Invades Wayne County!

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