U.S. Healthcare Cuts Minimal, More Pain Looms

By | November 22, 2011

  • November 22, 2011 at 2:24 pm
    Veteran Agent says:
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    Doctors, Clinics, Hospitals and Vendors will soon see the gravy train end and they may have trouble making their Mercedes payments. They have been ripping off the system for many years and it is a $100 Billion problem of waste, corruption and outright fraud. If the government actually did their job, they would be aggressively pursuing fraud and abuse to catch these people and prosecute them, but they won’t since the lobbyists have everyone in their hip pocket.

    • November 22, 2011 at 2:52 pm
      Mike N says:
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      The true people “ripping off the system” is the government. The government has been low-balling reimbursement rates for Medicare and Medicaid for decades, with those responsible enough to pay for private coverage then being over-billed to make up for the government’s inability or lack of willingness to pay.

      In other words, the system the government has had in place for decades is nothing more than a sham. Without private coverage to mask this, the scam would have (should have!) been exposed for all to see years ago. To anyone with a scentilla of understanding of the healthcare industry understands this.

      My question is, when will the other people, the ones who support “obamacare” despite the government’s proven track record of complete and utter incompetence to date, finally wake up, pull their heads out of their collective posteriors, and work on a real solution (cap the scumbag lawyers – i.e. remove the 30%-40% of procedures doctors only undertake to keep greedy lawyers away, remove state mandates – why does my wife need maaternity coverage when I’ve had a vasectomy, allow clients to buy hospital-only plans, etc.).

      We have seen throughout this process how democrat party will lie, say anything, and do anything to destroy our current healthcare system, all to ensure a single-payer, government-run system is in place. That party has been trying to sue doctors out of existence now for decades. That party refuses to allow anything to happen which would increase competition in the private market. That party is responsible for larding up basic coverage (accupuncture, chiropractic, maternity – regardless of whether you can or are of age to have children, etc.). These people are outright evil.

      • November 22, 2011 at 3:14 pm
        The Other Point of View says:
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        While I thoroughly disagree with just about everything you’ve written, I will only ask you about one thing you said. You said “That party refuses to allow anything to happen which would increase competition in the private market.”

        Is it true or false that members of the Democratic Party were pretty much the only people in Congress to vote for a mandate that would force millions of uninsured Americans to purchase private health insurance?

        How can you say the Democrats do nothing to increase competition in the private market when they are the only party that insist on putting more people into the private market?

        • November 22, 2011 at 5:13 pm
          Veteran Agent says:
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          TOPOV, I knew you couldn’t resist sounding off on any healthcare issue IJ puts out. Your prior posts have an overwhelming dislikes versus likes on this blog. The Democrats voted overwhelmingly for the mandate when they rammed this piece of crap down the American People’s throat. They certainly didn’t use any private market solutions when they wrote this bill as proposed by the Republicans. It was their way or the highway.

          • November 22, 2011 at 5:34 pm
            The Other Point of View says:
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            Can we debate this one issue without ad hominem attacks?

            I ask again, is it true or false, did the Democrats vote to force people to purchase private health insurance, and, if you answer honestly and say “yes” then how can you say that the Democrats did nothing to increase competition in the private market.

            All I’m asking you to do is back up what you say in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

  • November 22, 2011 at 3:06 pm
    Veteran Agent says:
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    I agree with you on several points. Everyone who deals with Medicare have learned very well how to rip it off. Doctors billing for things they didn’t do, hospitals running up the bills, charging $10 for an aspirin and adding all kinds of charges to the bill which can’t be proven. They also practice defensive medicine for fear of being sued by Democratic lawyers. They order a Cat Scan for an ear infection just in case the patient may be having a stroke. Tort reform works in Texas and no wonder thousands of doctors have moved here. It should be instituted nationwide.

  • November 22, 2011 at 6:06 pm
    Veteran Agent says:
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    TOPOV, The Democrats did not do anything to increase competition. The reverse is true and healthcare insurance costs have skyrocketed nationwide. I am an agent and I see unending rate increases on my customers who are forced to change their plans, elect higher deductibles to be able to afford it. There is nothing affordable to the Affordable Care Act, believe me. Did they do anything to allow companies to sell across state lines to promote competition? The short answer is no and rates will continue to go up exponentially as long as this bill is in force.

    • November 23, 2011 at 9:06 am
      The Other Point of View says:
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      You say “The Democrats did not do anything to increase competition. The reverse is true and healthcare insurance costs have skyrocketed nationwide.”

      That’s because the mandate hasn’t kicked in yet!

      Come on, look at this rationally without emotion. The Affordable Care Act will require uninsured people to purchase private health insurance. That will mean millions of people entering the private health insurance market. How can you say that that does not increase competition?

      Rates have gone up exponentially before the Act was passed so don’t you think it’s disingenuous to say that the Act is causing rates to go up?

      Look, I don’t think the Act is the best thing since sliced bread, but I don’t think that you can calmly and logically look at it and say that it has done any harm at all. In fact it’s allowed millions of 18-26 year olds to become insured.

      • November 23, 2011 at 2:53 pm
        Veteran Agent says:
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        As usual, your views are disliked the most of all the posts written. Some of my markets have told me privately that the reason why they are having multiple rate increases are because of Obamacare and the dreaded mandates where they have to take anyone with pre-existing conditions and cover the failure to launch kids who stay on their parents policy. Where is the incentive for anyone to get insurance since they know they can get it when they get sick? Rates will continue to skyrocket unless this bill is overturned.

  • November 22, 2011 at 9:06 pm
    UGH says:
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    Glad to know there are not any apparent automatic cuts to Social Security. As for the medical industry, they have held us captive for decades, since the 1965 Medicare law and subsequent Medicaid giveaways. As long as they don’t touch SS, I’m willing to live a healthy lifestyle and pay MY way, not everyone else’s. Congress doubled the tax rate in the early 80’s to “fix the SS and Medicare problems”, in my prime earning years (30 to 60). Now I’m 65 and I’ll be damned if i’m going to let this congress take it away.

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