LIG Marine Implements Program to Assist Katrina Recovery Efforts

September 9, 2005

LIG Marine Managers of St. Petersburg, Fla. has implemented a new program to assist in the recovery efforts of Hurricane Katrina. The company announced it is ready to provide Longshore and State Act coverages for clients working in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.

“To ensure that clients may start work immediately, these quotes are being given top priority,” according to an LIG Marine Management statement.

The company said that to receive a prompt quote it needs the following information: WC Acord Application–including premiums, payrolls and loss history; specific estimated payrolls for the “projects,” including details of who will be working these projects, new or existing employees; if new employees, information is required on hiring, training, screening and supervision; name(s), locations, the specific county and state; and a description of all projects to be undertaken.

Applications can be faxed to: (727) 578-9977. They can be emailed to, and if there are questioned LIG’s Hurricane Relief Team can be contacted at (866) 578-2800 and Press 1.

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