North Carolina Senate Approves Moped Insurance Bill

By | July 17, 2014

  • July 20, 2014 at 11:32 pm
    Franco Espana DiVallerino says:
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    I would just like to say that this bill, if became law, would gravely affect thousands of motorists whom depend on this simple way of transportation. Many have not the resources to purchase insurance, leaving them sort of “out in the cold” you could say.
    I personally, live on disability, and I depend on my scooter to provide me with transportation to my appointments. I find making ends meet difficult enough without adding the burden of insurance to the mix. If you ask me, this is just another maneuver by the insurance fat-cats to lobby their paid-off politicians. I do not find a two-hundred pound scooter to be any sort of a liability to the roadways, much less to other motorists. Do not pass this law!

    • July 22, 2014 at 2:35 am
      Dustin Cavanaugh says:
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      I am also on disability and I rely on my scooter to get everywhere I have to be. I was working and continuing to look for work but without a legitimate public transportation system I am forced to stay at home and collect tax payer dollars instead of trying to become self-sufficient. Thanks republicans. If you are going to take away my ability to be mobile at least make a legitimate public transport system. Currently you need 2 days notice and expect jobs to work on YOU ALL’S TIME.

  • July 29, 2014 at 12:09 pm
    Scooter Shop Owner says:
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    I own a scooter store. A common complaint amongst our customers is, “I am on disability (or fixed income) and I cannot afford insurance!” While I understand the complaint, they must realize that we ALL must live within our budget. If I hit them with my car they want me to pay for the damage. If they hit my car then they don’t have to pay for the damage. A motorized vehicle is just that. The current NC law states the moped cannot exceed 30mph on a flat surface. If the current scooter riders continue to complain they should be glad that law enforcement do not ENFORCE the current law as necessary. Approximately $15.00 a year for tags and registration and $25.00 a month (depending on your record) for insurance. I have to pay mine. You pay yours or get off the street.

    • August 4, 2014 at 4:00 pm
      Dustin Cavanaugh says:
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      The difference is you have a choice about your budget, we don’t. We have to live somehow. You can’t expect us to walk everywhere.

    • October 26, 2014 at 10:53 pm
      George Ingram says:
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      I have a spotless UK motorcycle license 25 years, car 28 years, again spotless. No tickets, for anything, ever. In 28 years on the road, I have NEVER had an insurance claim. I doubt many moped riders are that clean.
      Car insurance for me in NC, $2k per year for a base Pontiac Vibe, IF I can get a NC license, which is looking very unlikely as I’m an alien (legal). If I can’t get a NC license, I can’t get insurance. I’m not sure i can title a vehicle, either. Am I a big risk? Well, I hit a stray dog in NC last year on my scooter. Accident before that, 1993 in the UK, the other driver didn’t stop and it was deemed 100% his fault.
      While I don’t really want to pay $2k per year, unlike many current scooter riders, I could actually afford it. My problem is being eligible for ANY insurance. Yeah, moped insurance would be cheaper, but if I have to jump through hoops, I may as well go for a car.

      Some people just can’t do the paperwork and/or price they are being charged, often through no fault of their own.
      If clueless idiots are riding around on 60+mph non-moped scooters with no license or aptitude, enforce the current laws and throw them in gaol, don’t screw every scooter rider.

      Scooter is a type of vehicle, ‘moped’ defines it’s performance.
      What does scooter store owner suggest I do with my driving record? Hiring a car for 5-6 months per year is out of my budget.

    • June 12, 2015 at 12:30 am
      Yowster says:
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      You must not have much business and besides the tags are 18.00 and the insurance hasn’t passed through the house yet and even if it does it will still take another year. But you should know that if you sold scooters or motorcycles.

  • August 17, 2014 at 4:30 pm
    John says:
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    It’s incredible that our legislators who work maybe 3 months a year can come up with such a bill when half the people in NC do not have paperwork (such as me who was given a 1980 Vespa moped 15 years ago. Secondly, what about our corrupt insurance bureau coming up with some affordable insurance requirements and a special moped policy that can be attached to car insurance for those of us that have licenses and aren’t using them as liquor cycles.

    Lastly, great math. Revenue under a million dollars, extra law enforcement over 1 million dollars. I can understand as this is a state that took 4 plus years to widen less than 2 miles of roaad in Henderson County.

  • August 27, 2014 at 8:09 am
    jamie turnage says:
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    if they pass this bad moped bill i demand roads only for mopeds in nc
    remember we cant do the speed limit if you pass this bill cars are going to run us over on the hwy do you want my death on the street

    • August 28, 2014 at 4:57 am
      Notstupid L. ikeyou says:
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      How does that change anything as far as safety you are not supposed to be on a road with a speed limit over 35 MPH. You my friend are a MORON. Put the pipe down step away from the pipe.

      • October 26, 2014 at 11:01 pm
        George Ingram says:
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        I wasn’t aware NC restricted which roads a moped could use other than ones with a minimum speed limit above what a moped can do, care to point at it? I stay off the fast roads due to sanity, not legal reasons.

  • August 28, 2014 at 9:03 pm
    Bobby says:
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    “for the hiring of 10 additional law enforcement officers”
    Yeah, like we need 10 more thugs with badges roaming the streets.

    Idk why they call them “law makers” it’s not real law, it’s statutes and regulations enforced by the thugs with badges. Rules that have to be forced on you is not law, it’s tyranny.

    Welcome to the new world order, where politicians make up “laws” to get deeper into your pocket while pretending they are helping you in some way.

  • September 3, 2014 at 9:04 am
    You donthavealicence stayofftheroad says:
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    NC law states it is 30mph/50cc max for scooters. Which is not enforced!
    In my city we respond to over 15 scooter accidents per week with the scooter operator NOT having Insurance, Drivers Licence, Registration, or Tag.
    The bill does not go into effect until July 2015.
    You expect to be on the road with out a license or insurance which is required of EVERYONE else on the road!!!
    If a scooter operator hits me and damages my car who pays…NOT the scooter operator!!
    If you do not have a licence get off the road!!!! Because you are not licensed to be there!
    Thank you!

    • October 26, 2014 at 1:05 pm
      Dude says:
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      I get so tired of people using that combination as an excuse for this bill to become law.
      First, if you’re going to reference the current law, include all parts rather than the part that suits your argument. The current law does not require a scooter that is 50cc or under to be registered, or require a license so long as it is not able to travel above 30mph on a flat and level surface. Scooter engine sizes above 50cc or scooters capable of more than 30mph are to be treated as a motorcycle which means a license, insurance, and registration is required.
      If the laws are not being enforced where you are, don’t blame the riders. I’ve seen many cases where they seem to be just as misinformed as you are about the current moped/scooter law here. Anyone who takes the time can identify a scooter that has an engine size larger than 50cc. Likewise, it is also very obvious when a scooter is traveling in excess of the 30mph cap (passing cars, keeping up with traffic on roads where the speed limit is above 30mph, etc).
      Areas where the current law is enforced correctly means that scooter riders found operating a scooter in excess of what the law currently defines a moped without a license or registration for that scooter are charged accordingly (operating a motor vehicle without a license and operating an unregistered vehicle).
      Finally, if someone hits you while operating a moped that is uninsured, sue the crap out of them. I doubt very seriously that if they hit you hard enough to cause damage that they’ll be able to use the same scooter to get away before police arrive. And, for the smart person that wants to reason that they can still run away, nothing is really stopping a driver of a four door vehicle from committing hit and run either.

    • March 20, 2015 at 8:05 pm
      Ricky Trimnal says:
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      What are the stats on people riding Road racing bicycles in this state compared to Mopeds? I know I have lived here for over 7 years and I have heard of more people on Bicycles getting killed or injured!! Most accident’s involving Mopeds are cause by other people in cars that drive recklessly! You need to know what you are talking about before you talk!

  • September 9, 2014 at 7:41 pm
    mike says:
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    o what is the over all scenario will we need to register and insure a scooter of 50 cc or 49 cc. at one point there saying you do but at the bottom there saying you don’t half the reason I moved to nc was because of there scooter laws anything to make the state money.

  • September 18, 2014 at 3:35 pm
    George Ingram says:
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    I ride a moped as I’m a non resident alien. That means I have no SSN. Which means I that can’t get ANY insurance. I have two uninsured rental houses to worry about amongst other things. I do have a spotless UK car and motorcycle license, held for 28 years now. The humble moped is one of two types of vehicles that I can legally ride/drive in NC, the other being hire vehicles. No beaters for me! My business budget does not stretch to hire vehicles for daily use. Yeah, I get odd looks turning up to business meeting on a moped. I thought the whole idea of mopeds being exempt was to provide basic transportation to those with VERY limited resources. Now it looks like you need a license (I have one), Insurance (I can’t get any as I’m an alien, no other reason), I don’t think I can even own a non moped vehicle without a SSN either. Expect far more criminals on the street if this law is passed. Breaking the law is only way many people will be able to get around the loss of the ‘paperless’ moped.
    When I asked on a few forums before my first visit about how to get affordable transport for a non-resident alien, everyone single person told me to get a liquor cycle and put up with it. Anything else would be a legal nightmare/impossibility without paying through the nose for a hire vehicle.

    Mopeds riders are treated badly, this is sorta expected while they are perceived as the dregs of society. Will they be treated properly if this law is passed, will the police now give a shit if a moped rider is injured due to someone else’s negligent actions?

    I hit a stray dog last year. That got me some nasty abrasions that took 2 months to heal up and a broken rib, the police didn’t even bother to get back to me. I wonder how much more it will cost the state for the police to actually have to treat moped riders as having rights and respond to accidents where they are the innocent party?

    The beauty of the moped is it’s accessibility. If you don’t have the aptitude to ride one, you pretty soon give up on it, or die… It really is survival of the fittest.

    And now the law makers want to add a raft of paperwork to that. Not everyone can do paperwork, not everyone can tick every box needed. Are the poor now to be prevented from having basic transportation in a society with abysmal public transport? How many will lose their jobs as they just aren’t up to the 5 mile walk, then having to subsist off the the government? Has that cost been accounted for?

    If this law comes in, despite being able to afford insurance, tags, license etc etc. I’m going to have no choice but to ride/drive illegally as I can’t get any the paperwork done other than my foreign license. I could probably even afford the fines if not caught often. Hell, sod the moped, I’ll get something useful and far more inconspicuous like a car. I doubt the penalty for getting caught would be much different. I certainly won’t be the only one doing that either.

    As a non resident alien, no lawmaker will even consider my opinion. But maybe some of you legal residents can call for some common sense.

  • June 12, 2015 at 12:24 am
    Yowster says:
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    It will still take another year if it did pass. It got shot down last year with the other insurance scam to make anyone that sold a 50cc scooter and that included a lot of the big bike companys like Honda to make it mandatory to buy the states insurance. It was nothing more than an insurance scam to begin with. I guess it is a way to take the focus off of more serious issues like texting and driving, now when has that been enforced. Lets talk about them wrecks. They want to discuss revenue for the state. Well there is only 22 mil illegal imigrants driving in the usa. The us census can’t even give you an exact quote how many there are but they say it is around 55 mil and the last they could check was 35mil in 2006, now there is revenue.

  • May 18, 2016 at 6:42 pm
    Ray Honeycutt says:
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    I am a moped operator in North Carolina with no Driver licence due to bad choices. In July of this year it will become state law that I have insurance on moped but on the other hand no drivers licence is required by state. All ins. cos.I have contacted require a drivers licence or at least driving priv. to get ins. How does the state expect me to get ins. Is this a ploy by state to remove mopeds from highway? Does anyone know of ins. co. that will write a policy if you have no drivers licence?

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