Bill Giving California Agents Access to Vehicle Records Heads to Committee

April 10, 2015

A bill that would direct the California Department of Motor Vehicles to give insurance agents and brokers better access to motor vehicle records will be heard before the before the Assembly Transportation Committee on Monday.

Assembly Bill 933, sponsored by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of California, would require the DMV to permit insurance brokers and agents to submit driver motor vehicle records to insurers for underwriting and rating automobile policies without restrictions.

See related story: California Bill Fixes DMV Addendum Affecting Broker-Agents

AB 933 was introduced by California Assemblyman Jim Frazier, D-Oakley, who chairs the transportation committee. Frazier also serves on the Assembly Insurance Committee.

good_DriverIIABCal Lobbyist John Norwood is meeting with committee members to explain the need for the bill and the level playing field it would provide to independent insurance agents and their clients.

If approved by the transportation committee the next stop for the bill would be the Assembly Insurance Committee later this month.

Topics California Auto Agencies

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