Adam Putnam News

Florida Gov. Rejects CFO’s Pick for Insurance Commissioner, Application Reopened

Florida Gov. Rick Scott made it known Tuesday that his choice for the next Florida insurance commissioner would not be State Representative Bill Hager. “I won’t second it,” was Scott’s quick response to Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater’s motion to …

The Final 2: Bragg, Hager Last Men Standing for Florida Commissioner Job

For the first time in 13 years, Florida is preparing to appoint a new insurance commissioner. The pool of 55 candidates has been whittled down to just two. Per recommendation of the Florida Cabinet, Jeffrey Bragg and Florida State Rep. …

Florida Cabinet Approves PIP Benefit Rule Sought by Insurers

Florida officials have approved an emergency rule that will allow auto insurers providing no-fault coverage to use a form informing accident victims of their benefits under the state’s revised personal injury protection law. The Florida Cabinet approved the emergency rule …