employment News

Labor Market Study: 14% of Carriers Plan to Reduce Headcounts

Fourteen percent of insurance companies plan to reduce employee headcounts in the next year, according to numbers from Aon and The Jacobson Group’s latest insurance labor market study. Jeff Rieder, partner at Aon and head of STG Performance Benchmarking, said …

Louisiana Sees Gains in Not Seasonally Adjusted Employment

The state’s not seasonally adjusted number of employed individuals increased in June both over the month and over the year for the third consecutive month, the Louisiana Workforce Commission reported. The June 2021 estimate of 1,936,239 shows a gain from …

Financial Services Provides Plenty of Jobs – from Coast to Coast: Opinion

There were 755,436 people working in financial activities in the New York metropolitan area last year, more than twice as many as in the next-biggest area for such jobs, metro Los Angeles. But this amounted to just 8% of New …

Robots Haven’t Eliminated Many Jobs – So Far: World Bank

The rise of automation has so far had a negligible impact on jobs at a global scale, the World Bank chief economist said, despite common gloomy predictions that humans are set to be replaced by machines. While advanced economies have …

More Global Companies Offer 4-Day Work Week as Stress, Burnout Levels Rise

Work four days a week, but get paid for five? It sounds too good to be true, but companies around the world that have cut their work week have found that it leads to higher productivity, more motivated staff and …

Michigan Workers’ Comp Costs Drop, Employment Rises

Michigan has had some positive developments on the employment and workers’ compensation fronts lately and state officials are eager to share the news. Workers’ comp costs for employers in Michigan have dropped by nearly 28 percent since 2011 and the …

Minnesota Suppliers Hit by Target Canada Bankruptcy Filing

The end of Target’s Canadian operations is having a financial impact on businesses in Minnesota that supplied the retailer. Target’s Canadian division filed for bankruptcy protection last month and owes nearly $5 million to Minnesota suppliers and service providers, including …

Lack of Skilled Workers a Challenge for Kansas City Area Manufacturers

Manufacturing companies in Kansas and Missouri say there are plenty of high-paying jobs available for people qualified to run sophisticated factory equipment, but there doesn’t seem to be enough local talent to fill them. Industry leaders in both states say …

Chicago Business Owners See Little Impact from Obamacare, Minimum Wage Hike

The Business Owners Confidence survey for the first half of 2014 indicates that Chicago-area mid-sized business owners are taking Obamacare in stride and expect limited effects of national and state efforts to raise the minimum wage. The survey, jointly conducted …

Louisiana Private, Non-Farm Employment at All-Time High

The Louisiana Workforce Commission says the state in June set records for both private sector and total nonfarm employment, according to seasonally adjusted employment data released by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private sector employment reached a record 1,635,600 …