weather News

Chicago Is About to Sizzle Under Hottest Days of the Summer

Chicago and the Midwest will swelter under the warmest days of summer as forecasters warn people to limit their outdoor activities. Temperatures in the Windy City are forecast to reach 96F (36C) on Monday and 98F on Tuesday, but with …

California May Face Major Flooding From Jan. 30: Weather Watch

The odds are rising that California and the West will be struck by a plume of moisture known as an atmospheric river from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, the US Climate Prediction Center said in a social media post. The …

Report Examines Hot Summer Days Linked to Climate Change in U.S. Cities

A new analysis shows which U.S. states, regions and cities felt the strongest influence of climate change during the summer – the hottest on record. The analysis from Climate Central, a group of scientists and communicators who research and report …

The U.S. Leads the World in Weather Catastrophes – Here’s Why

The United States is Earth’s punching bag for nasty weather. Blame geography for the U.S. getting hit by stronger, costlier, more varied and frequent extreme weather than anywhere on the planet, several experts said. Two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, …

Winter Storm Rattling Busy US Travel Season With Cold and Snow

A massive winter storm is winding across the central US, threatening to disrupt air traffic during the busy holiday season, rake Chicago with a blizzard and send an arctic blast as far south as Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. …

Washington Driver Gets $553 Ticket for Driving With Snow on Windshield

A Washington State Patrol trooper issued a $533 ticket to a driver Sunday after the person drove more than 5 miles with their vehicle and windshield almost completely covered in snow. Trooper Heather Weatherwax said the State Patrol received a …

Weather Whiplash: Summer Lurches From Drought to Flood

Parts of northern Texas, mired in a drought labeled as extreme and exceptional, are flooding under torrential rain. In a drought. Sound familiar? It should. The Dallas region is just the latest drought-suffering-but-flooded locale during a summer of extreme weather …

NOAA: Hot is the New U.S. Climate Normal

It’s hot, get used to it. That might be the clearest takeaway from a message out from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday, which gave us a glimpse of the “new normal” in a changing climate. NOAA releases …

La Niña Is Fading But California, Gulf Coast Still Face Risks

La Niña, the cooling of the equatorial Pacific that shifts weather patterns the world over, is fading away. But California may still be prone to dryness, and the U.S. Gulf Coast faces the risk of another busy hurricane season. Water …

Arizona Facing Above-Normal Wildfire Threats

Drought remains in place across Arizona with a likelihood of warm and dry conditions in coming months even after a recent storm dropped heavy snow across much of the state’s high country, a 2021 wildfire season outlook says. Observations indicate …