Young Agents look for opportunity… and a future

By | April 20, 2011

  • April 20, 2011 at 1:40 pm
    Baby Boomer says:
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    You speak in generalities. Every generation has been “labeled” in some way. Every thing you state could be applied to any entrepenurial businees enveironment. The cream of the crop will rise, and those that can’t handle it, will leave and fine another carrier better suited to them. For those “Young Agents” “Gen X’ers”, “Gen’yers”, “Millenils” be your self, learn from others, be honest, have integrity, work hard, and insurace will be a great carrier choice.

    • April 20, 2011 at 2:17 pm
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      You are absolutely correct about the generalities! What does make our industry a little different is the influx of direct writers who are looking to really attract anyone, but especially the younger generation.

      Your advice is right on – be yourself and learn from others. Now we have to turn to look at the other side of that and make sure the people new to our industry, not matter their age, have the mentors since the carrier programs that used to be there are no longer readily available.

      Great comments, and well appreciated!

      Donna C.

  • April 21, 2011 at 9:28 am
    Baby Boomer Spell Checker says:
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    It’s Career, not carrier.

  • April 25, 2011 at 9:25 am
    Baby Boomer says:
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    OK…Thanks. That’s why I do insurance

  • April 29, 2011 at 10:55 am
    Don Fog says:
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    Between Walmart, Loewe’s, Home Depot and outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to other countries, there are to many people trying to provide a service to a declining number of customers. Back in the ’80’s I heard, then Governor Clinton, say that we can’t have an economy based on everyone doing someone else’s laundry. Somebody has to produce a product. I think that must have slipped his mind when he pushed for the global economy. Our present economy will not support the number of young people being recruited into the agency ranks. The current system will eat up capital and create debt for the young people while the insurance companies make a profit.

  • April 29, 2011 at 11:15 am
    Baby Boomer says:
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    The present economy may not currently support the number of young people being recruited, but the demographics of those currently working in agencies sure points to an opportunity. We are currently an older bunch with a great deal of retirements likely in the next decade. I stand by my statement, INSURANCE can BE A GREAT CAREER CHOICE (thanks spell checker)

  • May 12, 2011 at 8:26 pm
    Brian says:
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    The agency and broker community is riddled with producers only focused on themselves. Team
    selling is a great way to incorporate young, new producers into a firm that embraces getting the deal done. Without assisting the young producers and leaving all the work to themselves, we have what we have now in our business…a bunch of relics. I will not be surprised by an ever increasing number of agency consolidations over the next few years as book size decreases, rates continue to fall, and all the old guys out there try to generate business the old way, by relationship only. It is easy to hire a young producer, let them get a bit of traction going, then pull the rug out by a forced validation leaving them little to do but quit, leaving the geezer with the business the young guy brought in. It’s a classic tale.

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