Analytics and Automation Reshaping the HR Process

By | March 19, 2018

  • March 22, 2018 at 11:54 am
    Shea Heaver says:
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    “the rise of employee engagement surveys and other metric-gathering systems are garnering additional data that can provide an inside look at turnover and retention. … These insights are helping organizations be more proactive in addressing the top reasons employees are leaving.”

    What a load of (20th century) crap…..

    Gathering mountains of data from subjective employee surveys (where usually the employee doesn’t care about their answers because they know they will see no action) is a pointless and wasteful activity.

    Getting your employees to talk to each other and to their managers will unearth any dissatisfaction, dysfunction and disengagement…and then empowering/trusting those same employees to make changes at the local level is the key to improved engagement, productivity and retention.

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