April 18, 2005

Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell said she is “extremely unhappy” as she learns more about the possibility of significant job losses resulting from MetLife’s planned acquisition of Travelers Life & Annuity in Hartford. Rell said she has spoken with MetLife Chairman Robert Benmosche, face-to-face and on the phone, and that her staff has met with his people. “But we still do not have a comfort level as to a definitive number of jobs that are in jeopardy, except that the numbers will be significant. I want exact numbers and exact guarantees,” she said in a statement.

Rell said she met with Benmosche on March 7 in her office, following MetLife’s January 31 announcement that it planned to acquire Travelers from Citigroup for $11.5 billion.

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Insurance Journal Magazine April 18, 2005
April 18, 2005
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