N.Y. Woman Arrested for Prescription Claims Fraud

July 9, 2003

New York’s Superintendent of Insurance Gregory V. Serio announced that an investigation into a fraudulent prescription drug reimbursement claim has resulted in the arrest of Lynn Blake, 37, of Middletown, New York, “who is charged with Insurance Fraud in the 3rd degree, Grand Larceny in the 3rd degree, and Falsifying Business Records in the 1st degree.”

“The investigation revealed that Ms. Blake submitted duplicate requests for re-reimbursement expense of prescription drugs seeking to maximize the amount of monies given her after numerous motor vehicle accidents,” said the bulletin. The charges allege that she “supplied her insurance carrier with receipts that contained information she knew to be false and, acting on this, her insurance carrier paid her monies she was not entitled to.” Her arrest resulted from a “notice of suspect prescription drug reimbursement sent by the Progressive Insurance Company,” which triggered an investigation by the NYSID’s Frauds Bureau.

Blake was arrested on July 2 and released on her own recognizance to appear at a later date for a Grand Jury hearing. If convicted of these charges she faces up to seven years in state prison.

Topics Fraud New York Claims

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